TM Onboarding - Limit OB Engagement creator access by dynamic role
Limit OB Engagement creator access by dynamic role
Applicable Products
TM Onboarding
Applicable Releases
21.07 and later releases
Detailed Information
PeopleFluent Onboarding clients typically use the “Recruiting HR” Area of Responsibility (AoR) to control access to engagement subjects (through organizations and positions). However, if the client did not have PeopleFluent Recruiting enabled, they did not have access to the “Recruiting HR” AoR and no way to limit engagement creator access to engagement subjects.
With release 21.07, the dynamic role "Recruiting HR" was made available when TM Onboarding is enabled. Client administrators can now select the “Recruiting HR” AoR when assigning stakeholders to organizations and positions whether or not they have PeopleFluent Recruiting as an activated application. This allows them to control engagement creators’ access to employees when creating Onboarding engagements.
Example: Select stakeholder on Org "Support Center", as "Recruiting HR":
This role can be used to limit the visibility of employees/positions: The user with this role would then be able to see only the positions in the ORG where they are stakeholder on.
Example: Create new Engagement: Only positions in the Org "Support Center" show:
The 'Recruiting HR' role is a dynamic role, it would need to be added to the OrganizationHRRelationships file (to assign the HRRelationshipType), or manually added as stakeholder relationship to Organizations or Positions.