Who can view and/or edit Calibration Sessions
Who can view and/or edit Calibration sessions
Applicable Products
TM Performance, TM Succession
Detailed Information
There are several users that can view Calibration Sessions:
1. Owner:
Calibration Sessions allow managers to view and arrange employees on an X-Y matrix for succession planning or other organizational planning purposes. To conduct a Calibration Session, the manager can select a template, select the population (the employees that will be included in the session), and then arrange the population on the calibration matrix.
2. Calibration Facilitator:
If you are conducting a calibration session, you may optionally select facilitators. Calibration facilitators are employees that have the ability to edit a calibration session without owning it. For example, an HR administrator can create a session and select one or more HR business partners to conduct the session.
Administrators can select a set of default facilitators in a template, and then every session created from that template will have the designated facilitators. Session owners can select additional facilitators, in which case those facilitators can only edit that session (and sessions that are copied from it).
At any time after a calibration session is started, you can select facilitators, and optionally select start and end dates for their access to the sessions. If you do not select any dates, the selected facilitators can access the sessions at any time. If the start date is left blank or set to a date in the past, their access will start immediately. If the end date is left blank, the facilitators can access the sessions at any time. If start and end dates are selected, the facilitator's access will start and end on those dates (inclusive).
The "Select Facilitators" dialog box lists the employees that:
Have the proper permissions in the application
Are in your span of control (in your hierarchy or area of responsibility)
Once you select facilitators and save the session, they will have access to the session according to the start and end dates, if any.
Facilitators can open the sessions on which they are facilitators, and perform most calibration session activities, such as move employees around, publish and print sessions, and so on. However, facilitators cannot do the following:
Access links in employees’ mini-profiles that they don’t already have access to outside of calibration
Add employees to succession slates or pools they don’t already have access to
Add or edit facilitators assigned to the session
Facilitators can only add employees to calibration sessions in their own hierarchy or assigned areas of responsibility (not the session owner’s hierarchy or assigned areas of responsibility). Also, facilitators can only import other calibration sessions published by people in their own hierarchy or assigned areas of responsibility. Finally, facilitators can only access sessions between the start and end dates specified.
3. Calibration Session Viewer:
In the 21.07 update of PeopleFluent Talent Management, designated users can view calibration sessions created by anyone in the application, and change the calibration session owner.
For example, if a manager that owns a calibration session moves to another department, they can change the session owner to the incoming manager so the new manger can continue the session. Or an administrator can view and change owners of any session in the application.
To facilitate this new ability, the following entities have been added:
Authority: "Can View All Calibration Sessions": Roles with this authority can view calibration sessions created by anyone in the application and change the session owner.
Role: "Calibration Session Viewer": Users with this role can view calibration sessions created by anyone in the application and change the session owner. This role has the new authority listed above.
When a user has the new role, they can view calibration sessions owned by anyone in the application. Also, the owner field of calibration sessions gains a selection arrow, allowing the logged-in user to select a new user to own the session.
Example picture: A Calibration Session viewed by a Calibration Session Viewer:
The new authority is only given to the new role by default, and the new role is not given by default to any user. Administrators can add the new role to an administrator or other users according to the organization’s business needs.
Caution: Any role with the new authority can see all calibration sessions. To protect sensitive data, it is advised to assign the new role to users rather than add the new authority to existing roles.