OrgPublisher Legend
Applicable Product:
- OrgPublisher
Applicable Release:
- V20.x and above
Creating a Legend:
When invoked, the Legend feature automatically creates a list of all Groups that have icons assigned. You can also add color boxes with custom labels to define background colors for the chart box or for conditional formatting background areas.
Please note: Only Groups with associated icons will display in the Legend.
Legend Setup:
1. Open your Chart, then go to ‘View’ then ‘Legend’.
2. Select ‘Show legend’ to activate the legend and preview options for formatting.
3. Under the ‘General’ dropdown choose the location for the legend on the chart. In addition you can select the width/height/number of columns and wrap style. The results of your changes will display in the Preview area:
In the next dropdown ‘Custom Text’ you can add special ‘Text’ and its location within the legend box.
In the last dropdown, ‘Style’ you can customize the Legend box, box shape, color, border, background and font.
4. Select the ‘Contents’, here you can add/remove the legend content and select the order in which they display.
5. By default, all Groups with icons assigned will be displayed in the Legend.
Modifying the Legend Content:
1. To remove or add a Group from the legend. As you are working on the Legend, a Preview is also available so you can verify your changes.
2. To re-order the legend list, select a legend item, and click the Move up or Move down button to reposition it in the list.
Adding Custom Items to Legend:
This feature provides a method for identifying the meaning highlight colors on boxes or background areas. The color and identifier are displayable within the Legend feature. Custom items can be displayed along with Group Icon items, if desired.
1. Open the chart Legend Properties:
a. Open the chart, pick the ‘View’ you want to change
b. Click on ‘Legend’
2. Select the ‘Contents’ tab.
3. Select ‘Add Custom Item’
4. Type in the label. This could be the label for a Position Type or colored background area.
5. Select the color used in the chart defined with the label. If gradient color was applied, select those options, as well. Select OK.
6. If you are just editing a custom item, click on ‘Edit Custom Item’. Make your changes and ‘Apply’ or ‘Save’.
7. If the Group items are in the legend and are not to be used, remove them by selecting the item(s), then click the Trash Can Icon from Legend. They will be placed in the Available Groups area.
8. After creating the legend contents, reorder the legend items with the Move up or Move down button and then click ‘Apply’ or ‘Save’.
Created : Melanie Culp
Reviewed: Alvin Ee 09 June, 2023