Uninstalling Accenture's SAP connector
Applicable Product:
- OrgPublisher
Applicable Release:
- All versions
Per Accenture:
There are no deletion transport requests for this version of OrgPublisher for SAP. With version 7.1 they will have to use the SAINT transaction, which is the same that is used to install new components. In this transaction, go to the tab for Uninstallable Components and select all applicable components, then follow the standard approach to uninstall said components. Their Basis team should be able to proceed.
If you have installed other Accenture Software for HCM components that are relevant not only for OrgPublisher for SAP but also for Clone and Test and/or Data Comparison Manager, they need to make sure that they are not affecting those other add-ons. That means "all applicable components" will be only "ORGPUB". Therefore, even if the installation documentation talks about additional packages, please advise them NOT to remove them.
The uninstallation process needs to happen in all systems where the add-on is installed (typically DEV, QA and PROD). This will remove not only the programs but also the configuration tables, etc.
Keywords: SAP connector, uninstall
Created : Alvin Ee
Reviewed: Melanie Culp 06/09/2023