How to clear out log entries seen in OrgPublisherAdministration
Applicable Product:
- OrgPublisher
Applicable Release:
- V21 and later
The log entries for OrgPublisherAdministration and your charting web apps can grow to large numbers especially if the logging level is set to "Debug". You may occasionally want to remove old log entries that no longer serve any purpose.
The logging feature creates a new .log file under the following folders when the log file reaches 10,000 KB and append a numbering system to the files. They are stored in these locations on the server:
Admin logs:
C:\Program Files\PeopleFluent\OrgPublisher\AdminInstance\OPHTMLAdminSite\logs
Charting web app logs:
C:\Program Files\PeopleFluent\OrgPublisher\Instances\<ChartingWebAppName>\logs
To clean them up, you have to go on to the server and delete the older .log files that you no longer need.
Note: when your charts are in production and are stable, it is recommended that you set the "Logging level" to Error so that it only logs errors and therefore improves performance as it does not log other non-error items:
Keywords: Log files, delete, clear
Created : Alvin Ee
Reviewed: Melanie Culp 06/09/2023