How to add a user with Admin Access
Applicable Product:
- OrgPublisher
Applicable Release:
- V21 and later
Only the super admin or a user who has been added to a Role with "Manage users and roles" privileges can add someone as a chart administrator. If you are one of these, here's how:
- Log onto OrgPublisherAdministration with your admin account
- From the Home page, click on the "Settings" tab on the left hand side
- Next, click on the "Roles" tab to make sure you have one defined that has the attributes you wish the new user to have
- If you don't see one, you can Add a role and assign the appropriate attributes
- Then click "Back to Parent"
- Next, click on the "Users" tab
- Click the "Add" button and add fill in the fields and then assign the appropriate role and click "Save"
For more information on adding roles and users, hover your mouse over the greeting in the top right and click on "Help. Then search for "create roles users" and look at the items "About Roles and Permissions" and "About Users" to get a better understanding.
Keywords: Add, admin, new user, roles
Created : Alvin Ee
Reviewed: Melanie Culp 06/09/2023