Regenerate & Delete Tasks in Focal Workflows
Applicable Products
Talent Management - Compensation
Applicable Releases
21.07 and later
This functionality allows Compensation administrators to regenerate and delete tasks in focal workflow processes after a plan has been initiated.
Detailed Information
Occasionally, Compensation administrators may have initiated a reward cycle but forgot to enable tasks, or they need to make adjustments to the task text. Sometimes they need to delete tasks for a certain group of employees of managers after initiation.
PeopleFluent Compensation has added functionality so administrators now have the ability to regenerate and delete tasks after the workflow process has been initiated, similar to the feature in PeopleFluent Performance.
On the reward cycle Manage Workflow page, the Send Reminders link below each workflow state has been replaced by a More Actions drop-down menu, which contains the Send Reminders link as well as the new Delete Tasks and Regenerate Tasks options. These new options will delete or regenerate tasks for all the managers in that state.
You can also select individual managers to delete or regenerate tasks for by clicking the number in the workflow state, selecting any number of managers, and then clicking the new Delete Tasks or Regenerate Tasks button.
- Note: Neither method will move manager's worksheets in or out of the workflow; the new options only regenerate or delete tasks.
The results of the deleting or regenerating tasks actions will appear in the reward cycle's process log.