About iPaaS Navigation
Applicable Product:
- iPaas
Applicable Release:
- V21 or later
iPaaS Navigation allows users to navigate between their PeopleFluent applications and third party links (when applicable). When the user clicks on the Navigation button, it expands, displaying icons representing PeopleFluent applications and other third party products which your organization has deployed. Users select the icon by clicking on it to access the various applications when the icon is shadowed as illustrated below.
The list of navigational icons a user sees varies depending on the user's permissions and roles within the organization. User assignment to roles and permissions is configurable by system administrators and involves attribute mapping and groups.
Users are dropped into the first application in navigation they have permission to access by default.
Note: The Customer Administration Console icon can only be seen by those with the iPaaS Administrator role and is not something which can be added on the Navigation Items page.
Keywords: iPaaS, navigation
Created : Jennifer Waselchuck
Reviewed: Melanie Culp 06/30/2023