Performance 23.07 Enhancement - New Add Goal Form Fields
Applicable Product:
- Talent Management: Performance
Applicable Release:
- V23.07+
This enhancement gives administrators the option to configure Performance form fields to have a single option to add a goal manually or add a goal from the repository.
In PeopleFluent Performance Goal Setting, Interim Evaluation, and Final Evaluation forms, there is a form field called Add a goal that opens a flyout menu if a goal repository view is configured. The flyout menu allows the options Manually Add a Goal and Add a Goal from the Repository, allowing end users to choose the source of their new goal.
In the PeopleFluent Performance 23.07 update, there is now an option to configure each option in the flyout menu as a separate form field.
This allows administrators to configure either option without the other appearing on the form.
The new form fields are available in the list of available fields. The existing option with the flyout menu is still available and nothing will change upon upgrading.
Keywords: Add Goal Manually Goal library
Created: Erik Zilli