Competency SSRK Added to Grids
Applicable Product:
- Talent Management: Performance
Applicable Release:
- V23.07+
This enhancement adds the Competency Source Sys Ref Key (SSRK) to several grids to make it easier to identify exactly which competencies have been added.
The Competency Source Sys Ref Key (SSRK) has been added to the following grids:
The plan competencies grid on the Performance Management Plan Competency Options page:
In the dialog box when adding competencies to the selected performance group on the same page:
In the resulting grid of competencies in the Performance Group:
In the Performance Group Competencies report subject SmartGrid (and also in the resulting report itself):
Keywords: Competency SSRK, Competency Grid, 23.07 Competency, Competency Reference Key
Created: Erik Zilli