Upload User Information into the Administration Portal
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Detailed Information:
Instead of creating users one at a time, client administrators can format user information in an Excel spreadsheet and upload multiple users into PeopleFluent Administration Portal. Up to 200 users can be uploaded at one time.
To upload user information
Go to Security > Administration Options > Users.
Click the User Upload link at the top of the Users page. The Upload Users page is displayed.
To download the template, click the Excel spreadsheet template link and save the spreadsheet template to your computer.
Open the spreadsheet and add the appropriate user information.
Remove the "User" sample row. For complete instructions and field definitions, refer to the Instructions worksheet in the spreadsheet.
Save the completed template.
In the Upload Users page in PeopleFluent Administration, click Browse and locate your completed spreadsheet.
Click Upload to upload the spreadsheet and add the users to the PeopleFluent database. If any errors are encountered during the upload process, the errors are listed in PeopleFluent Administration Portal window. If a user was not successfully uploaded, the user name and the reason why the upload failed is displayed
If there are user upload errors, do the following:
Open the Excel spreadsheet.
Correct any data errors
Delete users who were already uploaded. Do not remove user information that was not initially uploaded.
Save the completed spreadsheet.
On the Upload User page, click Browse and locate the saved spreadsheet.
Click Upload. If there are more errors, repeat steps 1 to 5.
Keywords: Administration, Users, Listing