Create a Position Template
Applicable Product:
- PeopleFluent Recruiting (PFR)
Position templates allow you create and save customized job descriptions that are frequently used by your organization. These job descriptions can then be used any time you create or edit a position.
Detailed Information:
Position templates are created and managed in Recruiting Preferences.
- Click the gear icon
in the left sidebar.
- Hover over Recruiting Preferences and then select Position Templates.
- The Position Templates screen displays. Additional information about the screen:
- Any existing position templates are listed on the screen.
- Existing position templates can be edited. Click the edit icon
in the Actions column to open a position for editing.
- Existing position templates can be deleted. Click the delete icon X in the Actions column to delete a template. Important: If you delete a position template that has already been used in a Position, that position does not change. However, because the template is no longer active, it will no longer be available for positions going forward.

- To create a position template, click +Description Template.
- Enter a name for your template.
- Enter your job description (or choose one from the Find a job description... dropdown) and customize it as needed.
- Select a folder in which to save the template (optional).
- Click Save Changes.
Your template will be available from the Find a job description... dropdown on the Description section of a position's settings. After you select a template from the dropdown, you can customize it further for that specific position. For additional information about creating positions, please see Create a Position.
PFR, Position Template