Exam Permissions
Applicable Product:
Peoplefluent Learning
Applicable Version:
All Versions
Access to objects in the LMS is controlled by permissions, which you configure in the standard Permission Selector.
Exam Permission
You can provide users with read-only or unrestricted access to many of the objects configured in the LMS, such as course catalogs, individual sessions, training centers and email templates, to name only a few. Read-only access allows user to view the object while unrestricted access allows users to view and modify it.
Selecting Users
There are several ways to select the users you want to configure access for:
- User targeting templates
- Selecting one or more specific users
- Selection criteria based on user group, organization or role
- Selection criteria based on organization attributes (for Auto-enroll and Job Profile Auto-assign permissions only)
User targeting templates are pre-defined selections of users. If you specify a user targeting template, you cannot select individual users or use other selection criteria.
You can combine one or more individually selected users with one or more user groups, organizations and roles.
Because organizations can have a hierarchical structure, you can select organizations to include and those to exclude. This enables you to select a parent organization but exclude one or more of its child organizations.
User Selector
You select users to include in permissions or other user targeting features in the User Selector. To select users, you search for them with the optional search criteria and then select from the results those users you want to include.
The User Selector is available from various administration pages in the LMS where you can select users to target, including the Permission Selector and User Targeting Template Manager.
To select one or more users to include in the selection
- Click the browse icon next to the Users field. The User Selector page opens on top of the page you called it from. Any users already selected in the Users field are included in the Selected box in the User Selector.
- Enter or select criteria to filter the search for users (you can use advanced search syntax in the User ID / Name / E-mail field).
- Optionally, click Specify Additional Attributes to search for users with specific profile criteria, including any User Attribute values. If you specify additional attributes, ensure their criteria do not contradict any in the User ID / Name / E-mail, Role, Organization or User Group fields above.
- Optionally, click User ID Direct Entry Form to enter one or more User IDs, either directly or copied and pasted in from a plain text file or spreadsheet. The User ID Cut and Paste Direct Entry Form page opens in a new window and includes instructions for how to enter a list of User IDs.
- Click Search to list all users meeting your search criteria.
- To select individual users from the Results box, Ctrl+click to select separated individual users or Shift+click to select a contiguous block of users and then click the right-facing chevron icon to move them over to the Selected box.
- To select all of the users in the Results box, just click the right-facing double chevron icon to move them over to the Selected box.
- Click OK to confirm your selection and close the User Selector.