S4 HANA Compatibility
Applicable Product:
- OrgPublisher
Applicable Release:
- Accenture SAP Connector 7.1 + 7.2
- PeopleFluent SAP Connector 1.1
Here's information on the PeopleFluent and Accenture SAP connectors.
IMPORTANT: If you are moving to S4/HANA 2022 (SAP_BASIS 757 and SAP_ABA 75H), the installation package for Accenture's connector will not work as the compatibility check will fail. This is because the installation package only checks for SAP_BASIS 750 or 700 and SAP_ABA 75A, and earlier.
If this is the case, you can use the PeopleFluent SAP connector as it is compatible with S4/HANA 2022. Please contact support for details.
If you are not moving to For S4/HANA 2022, you can install the Accenture SAP connector 7.2. Here are the links to download the SAR files for version 7.2, and the installation instructions:
If you haven't installed version 1.7.8 of the License Cockpit, you can download the installation file here:
NOTE: you must install the License Cockpit first before you install the new connector.
Addendum: Please note that the PeopleFluent connector is not compatible with Accenture's, i.e. you cannot import the output formats from Accenture's connector into ours. They will have to re-configure the output fields in our connector. However, I believe it is possible to export the output formats into Excel (I seem to recall it was a copy-paste operation). This may help serve as a reference document when they're configuring the fields in the new connector.
Keywords: SAP, connector, S4, HANA
Created : Alvin Ee
Reviewed: Melanie Culp 12/13/2023