23.11 PeopleFluent Talent Management Release Notes
PeopleFluent is pleased to announce the upcoming PeopleFluent Talent Management 23.11 update. This document describes the functionality of these new features, discusses their client impact, and provides detailed information about each. If you have any questions about the enhancements or the new features presented in this document, please contact your PeopleFluent representative.
Webinar recording: PeopleFluent Talent Management: Explore Updates to Functionality & Design
Compensation Features
The features and enhancements described in this section apply to PeopleFluent Compensation. Because this application is configurable per client, new features may affect each implementation differently. For more information about any new feature, and how it can be used in specific implementations, contact a PeopleFluent representative.
These features will be available when the client is upgraded to this version of PeopleFluent Compensation.
Email Compensation Statements from Worksheets
This enhancement adds an option to allow emailing Compensation statements right from the worksheet.
The 23.11 update includes a new available column in Compensation worksheets that contains an icon which, when clicked, will email the statement right from the worksheet. The new worksheet column is called Email Statements and is not added to any worksheets by default. It can be added by clicking Set Columns in the worksheet.
The user will, by default, get the statement as an attachment to the email. PeopleFluent personnel can access a new system setting to instead have a link in the email that will allow the user to download their statement from the application. Contact your PeopleFluent representative to enable this option.
Managers just have to click the icon in the new column to send the email to the participant in that row.
If the employee in the worksheet does not have a business email address in the application, or if they don't have a user record, the icon will be disabled.
If the report is sent as a link to download, the Offline Report Status page will be updated to show that the report was downloaded and the statement will be available there for download to administrators.
Compensation Notification Template Enhancement
This enhancement allows most Compensation notification templates to be easily copied.
In PeopleFluent Compensation, administrators have long been able to copy off-cycle notification template groups. In this update, we have extended this ability to bonus, salary, stock, and total compensation notification template groups.
The new Copy button can be seen when editing a notification template group by going to:
- Menu > Talent Management Administration > Compensation Administration > Salary Planning > Notification Template Groups
- Menu > Talent Management Administration > Compensation Administration > Bonus Planning > Notification Template Groups
- Menu > Talent Management Administration > Compensation Administration > Stock Planning > Notification Template Groups
- Menu > Talent Management Administration > Compensation Administration > Total Compensation Planning > Notification Template Groups
This works the same way as off-cycle notification template groups have worked; just click the button to copy the notification template group and then update the fields on the copy. Any language-specific templates on the notification will be copied to the new copy.
- Note: Notification template groups with merge contexts of Plan Design Process Log, Publish Process Log, and Worksheet Process Log do not have the copy option, since there’s no way for a user to specify which process log to use.
Performance Features
The features and enhancements described in this section apply to PeopleFluent Performance. Because these applications are configurable per client, new features may affect each implementation differently. For more information about any new feature, and how it can be used in specific implementations, contact a PeopleFluent representative.
These features will be available when the client is upgraded to this version of PeopleFluent Performance.
Hide Plan Year in Forms
This enhancement allows Performance plan administrators to hide the plan year on end-user forms.
PeopleFluent Performance plan forms have the plan year automatically appended to the plan name on end-user forms:
Starting with the 23.11 update, administrators can now choose to remove the plan year from the forms. This is configured on the Performance Plan Basics page with a new setting, Hide Plan Year in Form Header:
This new setting defaults to No, so the default behavior is unchanged and the plan year will remain appended to the plan name. If the new setting is set to Yes, then the plan year is omitted on the form:
The new setting is not locked when a plan is in process, so it can be changed at any time.
Succession Features
The features and enhancements described in this section apply to PeopleFluent Succession Management. Because these applications are configurable per client, new features may affect each implementation differently. For more information about any new feature, and how it can be used in specific implementations, contact a PeopleFluent representative.
These features will be available when the client is upgraded to this version of PeopleFluent Succession Management.
Strategic Talent Pools Enhancement
This enhancement allows administrators to add custom field columns to the Strategic Talent Pools SmartGrid.
In this update of PeopleFluent Talent Management, you can now add custom field columns of the following business entities to the Strategic Talent Pool member SmartGrid:
- Person
- Employee
- Position
- Organization
- Geographic Organization
- Job
Once the custom fields are created, they will be listed in the Available Columns list when setting columns in the Strategic Talent Pool SmartGrid, and they can be added to the Selected Display Columns list from there.
Common Features
The features and enhancements described in this section apply to all PeopleFluent Talent Management applications. Because the applications are configurable per client, new features may affect each implementation differently. For more information about any new feature, and how it can be used in specific implementations, contact a PeopleFluent representative.
These features will be available when the client is upgraded to this version of PeopleFluent Talent Management.
Scheduled Offline Reports
This enhancement allows offline reports to be scheduled to run once or on a recurring basis.
Offline reports can now be scheduled to run at specified points in the future, allowing administrators to ease the load of running many reports all at once. For example, you can schedule a large report to be run overnight or on a weekend, when demand on the system is low and won't affect users in the application.
This new capability can be found when running an ad hoc report or creating a new report. It is configured in the new Schedule section of the View Report dialog box after choosing a format for the report and then selecting to report on all rows of data.
Users with permissions to report on all rows of data can schedule a report to run once at a specified time and date in the future, or on a repeating schedule (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly).
- Note: The new Schedule section is not visible by default, even with permissions to report on all rows of data. Administrators can enable this using Design Mode.
The following options are available:
Run Now: Run the report immediately with no scheduling. This is the default, which is the same as previous behavior.
Run One Time: Schedule the report to run once at a future time. Specify the start date and time.
Run Daily: Schedule the report to be run every day. Specify the start date, end date, and time of day.
Run Weekly: Schedule the report to be run every week. Specify the day(s) of the week (CTRL+click to select multiple days), start date, end date, and time of day.
Run Monthly: Schedule the report to be run every month on the same day. Specify the start date, end date, and time of day. If a monthly report is scheduled to run on day 31, for months that have less than 31 days it will run on the last day of that month.
All dates and times are displayed in the logged-in user's local time zone.
When the options are configured, click the Run Report button to start the schedule. Once started, report schedules cannot be edited. You can, however, create a new schedule for the same report.
Scheduled reports will not appear on the Offline Report Status page (Menu > Talent Management Administration > Site Administration > Logs > Offline Report Status) until the scheduled date and time of each occurrence, when it will be added to the report queue and run in order.
Scheduled Reports SmartGrid
Some administrators can be given access to the Scheduled Reports SmartGrid, which is available by going to Reporting > Scheduled Reports or Menu > Reports > Scheduled Reports if you have the proper permissions. Contact your PeopleFluent representative for more information about access to this page.
On this page you can view all of the report schedules that you have created. A separate permission allows you to delete schedules that you created. Certain administrators can be given access to report schedules created by all users. Contact your PeopleFluent representative to get this access.
Assign and Delete Roles with Scripting
This enhancement allows administrators to add and delete roles using data processing scripts.
The 23.11 update of PeopleFluent Talent Management adds the ability to use data processing scripts to add static roles and delete roles. Roles are typically managed using data feeds, and this new ability provides more flexibility for clients to manage the assignment of roles in the application.
Two new methods have been added to the Talent Management Pseudo Model under the User entity:
- addStaticRolesToUser
- deleteRolesFromUser
These methods are used by scripts to add static roles to users and delete roles from users. Only static roles can be assigned in this way; dynamic roles are only assigned based on the relationship between the user and specific segments of the employee population and cannot be assigned manually. You can use scripts to delete static or dynamic roles.
These new methods can be used to assign and delete roles with administration levels below 1,000.
There are three ways to pass the roles you want to add or delete:
- Pass the roles as Runtime Properties in the Data File Processing record
- Write the roles to pass directly into the script itself
- Use a SmartGrid view that is filtered to show the roles you want to pass
- Note: If you use Runtime Properties to pass roles, you can only pass two roles at a time. If you need to assign or delete more than two, use one of the other methods.
There are two sample scripts provided on the Data Processing Scripts page (Menu > Compensation/Performance/Succession Administration > Data Processing Scripts) to demonstrate this new capability (using the Runtime Properties method):
- AddStaticRolesToUser
- DeleteRolesFromUser
To facilitate this process, the Login column has been added to My Team SmartGrids, along with the Roles column as reported in a previous release note. These two columns are not visible by default and not added to any My Team grid display columns. They can be added by going into Design Mode to make them visible, and then clicking Set Columns. This allows My Team SmartGrids to be used to pass in roles to be assigned or deleted (using a SmartGrid to pass the roles), and also to validate that the roles have been added or deleted properly after the script is run.
Once roles are assigned using data processing scripts, the roles will be protected from data feed overwriting so that they will not be changed by a feed.
Calibration Session Data Access
This enhancement adds the option to base calibration session data access on row-level security rather than the calibration session role (session creator and facilitator).
In the Calibration Ranking and Calibration Summary SmartGrids, data access is based on the calibration session owner and any facilitators of that calibration session. However, in some cases, this can lead to some roles having access to data that they should not have access to. For example, the calibration session owner viewing the Calibration Ranking or Calibration Summary SmartGrid may be able to see the data of employees that are not within their span of control if a facilitator has added them to a session.
In the 23.11 update, clients can opt to have the Calibration Ranking and Calibration Summary SmartGrids data access be based on standard row-level security rules that govern data access in most of PeopleFluent Talent Management instead.
- Note: This only applies to the Calibration Ranking and Calibration Summary SmartGrids and not the calibration session itself. Calibration session data access remains controlled by the session role, in other words, the session owner and any facilitators.
To enable this option, contact your PeopleFluent representative.
Competencies Enhancement
This enhancement adds the ability to copy a competency to use as a template for a new similar competency.
In this update there is a new Copy Competency button on the Edit page of competencies.
This button appears when you first save a new competency or when you edit an existing competency, and clicking it creates a copy with the same behaviors, interview guide questions, writing assistant topics, tags, and rating scale as the copied competency. The name of the copy defaults to the same name with "Copy of" prefixed, which you can change before saving.
- Note: The reference key field is not copied, as this should be unique to each competency.
Display Value Categories Enhancements
This enhancement allows administrators to re-order values within a display value category by dragging and dropping instead of clicking arrows, and also to export a list of values in a display value category.
Drag and Drop Display Values
Previously, the values in a display value category could be re-ordered by clicking up- or down-icons in the Re-order column of each row of the list. Each click moved the row one place up or down in the list.
This is fine for display value categories that have only a few values, but becomes cumbersome if the list has dozens or even hundreds of values and you want to move the row many places away.
In this update of PeopleFluent Talent Management, re-ordering of display values is now done by dragging and dropping rows.
You simply grab the handle in the Re-order column and drop it in the preferred place in the list. If the list is very long you can press the up-arrow and down-arrow keys on the keyboard to scroll up and down the list while dragging.
- Note: If the list contains more than 600 rows, the user interface will automatically revert to the old reordering method due to performance concerns.
Exporting Display Values
As part of this enhancement, we have also added the ability to export display values by clicking the new Export button at the bottom of the page. The values for the current display value category are exported in CSV format, and the file will look something like this:
Roles Column Added to My Team SmartGrids
This enhancement allows the Roles column to be added to the My Team SmartGrids and allows for filtering options.
In this update we have added the Roles column as an available column to the My Team SmartGrids (SmartGrids under Menu > My Team > Employee Information) in order to allow roles assignments to be maintained via data processing scripts.
The Roles column can now be filtered with the following operators:
- Is Empty: Shows employees that are not assigned a role.
- Is Not Empty: Shows employees that are assigned one or more roles.
- Contains: Shows employees that are assigned to the selected roles. For example, selecting Compensation and Employee roles filters all employees that are assigned to a Compensation role OR an Employee role.
- Does Not Contain: Shows employees that are not assigned to the selected roles. For example, selecting Compensation and Employee roles filter all employees that are NOT assigned to a Compensation role OR an Employee role.
By default, the Roles column is not visible, nor displayed in the grids; it can be made visible via Design Mode and added to the grids by clicking Set Columns.
The Roles column is also available under Reports when creating a new report under Report Subject > Employees and Contractors > My Team.
- Note: The Roles column is displayed by default on the Users SmartGrid (Menu > Site Administration > Users and Security > Users), but previously it did not have the filtering options noted above. With this update, the filtering options are now added to the Roles column in the Users SmartGrid as well.
User Interface Refresh
This enhancement updates many aspects of the PeopleFluent Talent Management user interface.
The 23.11 update of PeopleFluent Talent Management features a refreshed user interface and modernized look and feel. No functionality has changed as part of these enhancements.
The following areas have been updated:
- Fonts
- Many icons
- Buttons
- Page header color and vertical tabs color
- Grid styling
- Profile picture
- Performance forms
- Compensation worksheets
- Off-Cycle pages
- Tooltips across the suite
- Mini profile
Some user interface elements are now configurable. The updated Branding Themes page controls the configurable aspects of the new styling.
You can now configure the header and vertical tabs background colors, font color for text on the header and vertical tabs, as well as the previously configurable primary navigation header image and border color.
The Theme Preview image now shows the newly-configurable areas.
Updated Videos
In this update of PeopleFluent Talent Management, some of the available video tutorials have been updated to reflect new user interfaces, capabilities, and styling.
In a continuing effort to update the training videos available in the application, we have updated and republished the following videos in the 23.11 and 23.07 updates:
Videos Available in the Explore Widget
- My Dashboard: Overview
- My Dashboard: Explore Widget
- My Dashboard: Quick Links Widget
- My Dashboard: My Tasks Widget
- My Dashboard: My Development Activities Widget
- My Dashboard: My Team Widget
- My Dashboard: My Links Widget
- My Dashboard: Organizational Goals Widget
Videos Available on the SmartGrid Toolbar
- Basic SmartGrid Charting
- Advanced SmartGrid Charting
- Adding and Removing SmartGrid Columns
- Customizing and Saving SmartGrid Views
- Filtering SmartGrids
Career Plan Job Competency Matching via Scripting
This enhancement adds the ability to match potential jobs to employees' job competency ratings using data processing scripts.
This update provides the ability to use data processing scripts to find the best job match for employees looking to change jobs within their company, based on their job competency ratings.
There is a new Recommended Jobs section available on the Talent Profile Career Plan page, on the Career Exploration tab, where employees can see the jobs they are best qualified for. This new section is not visible by default, but can be made visible using Design Mode.
This section is populated by data processing scripts that are customized to each client's needs. Jobs can be matched to employees' competency ratings using a variety of job data such as Management Level, Job Family, Job Function, Job Category, and custom fields.
You can specify the population for which competency scores can be defined, either through a grid view or by uploading a CSV file. You can create formulas based on competency types (Clinical, Competency, Skills) and rating scale value fields like Numeric Threshold Value, Normalized Value (%), and Normalized Threshold Value (%).
For more information about this new enhancement, and to get customized scripts for your specific business needs, please contact your PeopleFluent representative.
Data Feeds and APIs
This section describes changes made to data feeds and APIs. For more information on data feeds and flat files, refer to the PeopleFluent Talent Management 23.11 Control Data Guide and the PeopleFluent Talent Management 23.11 Data Mapping Guide.
Changes to Existing Data Feeds and APIs
There are no changes to the PeopleFluent Talent Management API, which remains at v1.36.230700 in this update.
Data Feeds and APIs
There are no changes to existing data feeds or APIs in this update.
New Data Feeds and APIs
This update does not include any new data feeds or APIs.
Product Documentation Changes
PeopleFluent has updated the PeopleFluent Talent Management documentation set to reflect enhancements and new features introduced in the 23.11 update.
Additional Documentation Resources
The following additional documentation resources are available:
Documentation |
Description |
Hardware and Software System Requirements | Available on Customer Community. Provides information on workstation requirements, recommended and supported browsers, and supporting third-party applications. |
Online Help | Available in the Talent Management application. Provides help content for administrators and end users. |
Resolved Issues | Available on Customer Community. Provides information about resolved issues addressed in this update. |
Training Manuals and eLearning Modules | Please contact your PeopleFluent representative to schedule training. |
About PeopleFluent
As a market leader in integrated talent management and learning solutions, PeopleFluent helps companies hire, develop, reward, and advance a skilled and motivated workforce. Deployed separately or as a suite, our software spans recruitment, talent mobility, performance, compensation, succession, org charting, and learning—tailored for either large or mid-enterprise organizations. We deliver unmatched functionality and flexibility, recognized by leading analysts, to develop people, drive performance and deliver results.
Our talent solutions unify talent processes within a collaborative experience that enables HR and L&D teams to guide managers and employees with contextual learning—right in the flow of work.
A part of Learning Technologies Group plc (LTG), PeopleFluent provides world-class service and an unparalleled ecosystem of partners to optimize employee experience, employer brand, and business results.
For more, visit peoplefluent.com
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Web site: www.peoplefluent.com
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Document Version 1.0
Generated: 23.11: 2023-10-06 11:40:19 AM ET