Deleting Stakeholders from an Employee via Administrative Script
Applicable Products
Talent Management - Compensation
Talent Management - Performance
Talent Management - Succession
Applicable Releases
21.11 and later
The Data Processing Scripts page stores scripts used by administrators to populate system configurations and other data from CSV files or pulled directly from SmartGrids.
Detailed Information
If there are a large number of stakeholder assignments to delete for individual managers it may be easier to update them all at once via administrative script. All that is needed is a csv file with the IDs of the Stakeholders to be removed, the Employee and the Area of Responsibility. This can be done for Compensation, Performance or Succession stakeholder assignments. The steps are as follows:
1-Navigate to Performance Administration > Data Setup > Data Processing Scripts to see the available options. In this case we are using the DeleteStakeholderFromEmployee script.
2-Click to icon to expand the script for easier viewing
3-Note the required columns for the csv file
4-Compile necessary data into csv format for upload
5-Navigate to Performance Administration > Data Setup > Data File Processing and click Add
6-Enter the name and script to be used then click save
7-Click Upload
8-Click Choose File then browse for the file and click Open
9-Add the necessary information then click Save
10-Click Save then click Process Plan
11-Confirm each dialog box to proceed
12-Upon process completion a process log will be generated. Click the details icon to review if needed