Access to Terminated Employees
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Talent Management - All
Applicable Releases
21.11 and later
This article shows how HR Business Partners can access the Talent Profiles of terminated employees in their area of responsibility.
Detailed Information
In previous updates, the organizational demographics of terminated employees was only visible to admins with full data visibility access. However, there are some cases where certain other roles would need access to this information.
The 21.11 update allows for stakeholders of the position’s primary or geographic organizations to view the Talent Profiles of terminated employees.
The following new authority can be given to stakeholder roles:
Can View Inactive Employees For HR Tasks
Roles with this authority can view information about inactive employees for HR tasks in the Talent Profile. Organization Stakeholders with HR Viewer, Performance HR, and Compensation HR Areas of Responsibility, Administrators, and HR Executives will have access to the inactive employee's Talent Profile tabs based on visibility settings.
This authority can be given to any role that requires access to terminated employee
Talent Profile data. The new authority has been added to a new role:
HR Inactive Employee Viewer
Users with this role are HR employees that can view data for inactive employees in their area of responsibility (AoR) in the Talent Profile. Organization Stakeholders with HR Viewer, Performance HR, and Compensation HR Areas of Responsibility, Administrators, and HR Executives will have access to the inactive employee's Talent Profile tabs based on visibility settings.
The new role allows administrators to add the new authority to any individual user that needs this access.
For example, an HR Business Partner user with the Performance HR area of responsibility requires access to inactive employee Talent Profile data. You can give them the new role that has the new authority, and they will be able to go to the Talent profile, select inactive users from the employee selector, and view the Performance tab (because that is in their AoR). They will not be able to view the Talent Profile Compensation tab, however, because that is outside of their AoR.
This access is based on the employee’s most recent position before being inactive.
For example, an employee works in the Manufacturing organization and then moves to Finance, where they work for a while and then retire.
Stakeholders with the new role or authority and the Manufacturing AoR will be able to access that employee’s Talent Profile, but they will not be able to view the Performance or Compensation tabs. Only stakeholders with the new role or authority and the Finance AoR will have that access.
Users with the new authority or role will be able to view Talent Profile tabs of inactive employees based on the visibility settings for each tab. In other words, if they can see a tab for an active employee, they can see that tab for an inactive employee.
Note: The new authority is not assigned to any existing role out of the box
(other than the new role), and the new role is not assigned to any user out of
the box. Clients that want to use this functionality must assign the role or
authority to those users that require it.