Roles Column Added to My Team SmartGrids
Applicable Products
Talent Management - Compensation
Talent Management - Performance
Talent Management - Succession
Applicable Releases
23.11 and later
This enhancement allows the Roles column to be added to the My Team SmartGrids and allows for filtering options.
Detailed Information
In this update we have added the Roles column as an available column to the My Team SmartGrids (SmartGrids under Menu > My Team > Employee Information) in order to allow roles assignments to be maintained via data processing scripts.
The Roles column can now be filtered with the following operators:
- Is Empty: Shows employees that are not assigned a role.
- Is Not Empty: Shows employees that are assigned one or more roles.
- Contains: Shows employees that are assigned to the selected roles. For example, selecting Compensation and Employee roles filters all employees that are assigned to a Compensation role OR an Employee role.
- Does Not Contain: Shows employees that are not assigned to the selected roles. For example, selecting Compensation and Employee roles filter all employees that are NOT assigned to a Compensation role OR an Employee role.
By default, the Roles column is not visible, nor displayed in the grids; it can be made visible via Design Mode and added to the grids by clicking Set Columns.
The Roles column is also available under Reports when creating a new report under Report Subject > Employees and Contractors > My Team.
- Note: The Roles column is displayed by default on the Users SmartGrid (Menu > Site Administration > Users and Security > Users), but previously it did not have the filtering options noted above. With this update, the filtering options are now added to the Roles column in the Users SmartGrid as well.