How to validate participant counts in Talent Management - Incentive (Bonus and/or Stock)
Applicable Products
Talent Management - Compensation
Applicable Releases
21.11 and later
To validate participant counts there are two options available to administrators, a Quick Check and a Detailed Check. Please note that this will give you a count of all of the Incentive Plan (Bonus and/or Stock) participants in a given timeframe. Counts are pulled as of a date. If additional employees are processed or removed from a process after the report date the numbers will not match exactly.
**The usage counts are based upon initiation date not plan date so a 2022 plan may count for some employees in 2023 depending on when the employee was last updated/processed.
Detailed Information
1 -Quick Check - Navigate to Admin Home > Compensation > Bonus and/or Stock
< Bonus Plan Setup and/or Stock Plan Setup (look at both) >
Check participants per plan year (will not match exactly due to possible duplicates/year initiated but will give a good idea of your counts.)
1a - Bonus Plans
1b - Stock Plans
2 - Detailed Check - Admin Home > Compensation > Bonus and/or Stock > Bonus Plan Setup and/or Stock Plan Setup (look at both) > Edit (for each plan touched in the year)
3 - Navigate to Plan Participants > Filter > Date Updated = This Year (add field if needed)
3a - Add field 1 - Click Set Columns
3b - Add field 2 - Enter date in available columns field then select Date Updated
3c - Add field 3 - Select the Date Updated field and use the Up arrow to move it to the top
3d - Filter > Date Updated = This Year
4 - Export > click Export All Rows if prompted
5 - After export, if you have multiple plans/processes remove duplicates for unique employee count.