Import a Chart
Applicable Product:
- OrgPublisher
Applicable Release:
- V21 or higher
This article explains how users can import a chart if needed. There may be scenarios where you may need a copy of a chart to make changes, for troubleshooting purposes, or backups. Users with the appropriate permissions can import a chart that was previously exported from a Charting web app. The file being imported must have the .opchart extension.
To import a chart:
Go to Home > Web Apps. The Web Apps page appears.
Click the name of a Charting web app to which you want to add a chart.
3. Click Import. A file selection dialog box appears.
4. Select the .opchart file to import.
5. Click Open. The imported chart opens in the "Edit Chart" page.
6. Optionally, edit the chart name. This field is required.
7. Configure other chart options as needed.
8. Click Save. The Edit Chart page appears.
The chart is now in Draft mode. You must publish it to be able to view it in the Charting web app
Import, Chart, Admins, Users, Chart Copy
Created: Larryl Shaw