System Administration - General Category
Applicable Product:
- PeopleFluent Learning
Applicable Release:
- V24
General Category
System administrators can use the table below to help them configure the system configuration settings in the General category.
To configure General settings, go to Manage Center > System > System Configuration and select General from the Select a category drop-down list.
Table: System Configuration Settings: General Category
Setting | Type | Description |
Sort users by last name? | Check box | Select this check box to initially list user names in alphabetical order of their last name in the Users page, reports and courses. |
Show last name first? | Check box | Select this check box to list user names last name first. |
Enable User ID in search | Check box |
Select this check box to include user IDs in user searches, along with last name and first name. Otherwise, the user search will only search last name and first name. |
Enforce Partitioning by Level 1 Organizations | Check box | Role access permissions enable user administrators to restrict the data viewable by users to a specific level (and below) in their organization hierarchy. Select this check box to automatically separate level one groups of users, so that the LMS appears dedicated to their organization. |
Allow completed courses to be reopened | Check box |
Select this check box to allow learners to reopen previously completed courses from the Knowledge Center. Reopening a course does not change the overall status, but it does allow material to be retaken. So if this option is globally enabled here, the catalog editor allows it to be turned off for individual courses. |
Status change to COMPLETED removes module from active list. | Check box |
This setting applies only to the legacy user interface (that is, when the user's skin is anything other than PeopleFluent_LMS_Default and they do not have Enable new UI set to Yes in their profile). Select this check box to automatically remove a course from the user's active list in their Current Learning Modules page when its status is updated to Completed. |
Always show program with all modules in active list | Check box |
This setting applies only to the legacy user interface (that is, when the user's skin is anything other than PeopleFluent_LMS_Default and they do not have Enable new UI set to Yes in their profile). If this setting is enabled, all modules of a program are kept in the user's active list (Current Learning Modules) regardless of their status, until the program as a whole has been completed. If this setting is disabled, only modules with the status Not Started, In Process, or Session Selection Needed are shown in the active list. Completed modules or modules which are pending approval after a session selection or session transfer will be removed directly. |
Optimize for Bandwidth | Check box |
This setting applies only to the legacy user interface (that is, when the user's skin is anything other than PeopleFluent_LMS_Default and they do not have Enable new UI set to Yes in their profile). Select this check box to improve response time and reduce bandwidth usage for several commonly used (but infrequently changed) menus by caching their elements in the browser. Parameters, such as role, language, and skin, are used to force new pages to appear if the learner properties change. If this setting is disabled, a time stamp is set on the pages so that they are refreshed on every login. This option requires that the components.xml entries for the relevant screens have the <cacheable/> attribute set, otherwise nothing is cached by the browser regardless of the setting here. |
Use Simplified Time Zone List | Check box | Select this check box to simplify the choice of time zones available in the LMS by limiting it to 24 zones instead of listing all ISO-recognized time zones. |
Display simplified user preferences | Check box | Select this check box to reduce the number of items shown on the User Preferences tab of the Settings page (Avatar Menu > My Profile). Only skin, language, and time zone options will be available. |
Withdrawal Renews Auto-Enroll Eligibility | Check box | Select this check box to make learners who have withdrawn from the target course eligible for auto-enrollment. If this check box is cleared, learners who have withdrawn from the target course will no longer be considered eligible for auto-enrollment. Auto-enroll eligibility is calculated when users log in. |
Enable certification "Base Month" business logic | Check box | Certifications can have a grace period, which controls certification renewal, and this option enables the configuration and business logic processing for this capability. Several default settings are provided to specify FAA-required handling for airline industry cases. |
Prompt users for valid time zone and e-mail settings. | Check box | Select this check box to repeatedly remind users on the widget page to enter a valid time zone or email address in their profile. |
Enable User Targeting Template Search Filter? | Check box | Select this check box to make accessible user targeting templates available as a filter. This enables objects with a template as the targeting criterion for permissions or target audience to be searched for. This setting applies to the Learning Modules page, sessions in Teach > Session Administration, the Email Template Editor, and the Job Profiles page. |
Enable client side sorting if supported | Check box |
This setting applies only to the legacy user interface (that is, when the user's skin is anything other than PeopleFluent_LMS_Default and they do not have Enable new UI set to Yes in their profile). Select this check box to enable column sorting for learning items listed in tables (for example, the Records/Transcript list). When this setting is enabled, users can click the column headers to sort the table on those columns. |
Clean-up waitlist automatically | Check box | Select this check box to automatically withdraw waitlisted users from a course waitlist once the enrollment period has expired. |
Hide tabs and fields when there are no items to display | Check box |
Select this check box to hide tabs that contain no data. This simplifies the display for learners and managers. There is a performance penalty for this setting, so PeopleFluent recommends disabling this setting. |
Retain transcript records for cancelled sessions. | Check box | Select this check box to retain learners' transcript entries—with a status of Cancelled—for courses that are cancelled. These records can be useful in reports and reviews for re-targeting learner sessions. |
Retain transcript records for user withdrawals or withdrawal equivalents. | Check box | Select this check box to retain learners' transcript entries—with a status of Withdrawn— for courses they withdraw from. These records can be useful in reports and reviews for re-targeting learner sessions. |
Show other resources tab (tabbed interface only) | Check box |
Select this check box to enable the option to show learning modules on the Other Resources page in the Learning Center. When this setting is enabled, a similarly labelled check box is shown in the Catalog Editor > Module Properties. You can then select that option for individual learning modules as required. The Other Resources page must be included in the navigations.xml file used for the LMS's skin, as shown in this example navigations.xml extract: <item labelKey="label.LearningCentre" txCode="TABLISTSESSIONS"> |
Enforce Token-Processing Business Logic | Drop-down list |
Tokens can be used to pay for courses in the LMS. When courses have a token cost, certain business rules may be applied during enrollment processing (for example, user credit balance must be higher than the course cost). Select an option from the drop-down list to enforce the token processing rules:
By default these rules are not enforced as most environments do not use token payments. |
Enforce Skillsoft License Control | Check box |
Select this check box to prevent learners from launching Skillsoft courses they are enrolled in or choose to re-open. At launch time, a message is displayed indicating they should contact an administrator if they are no longer allowed to use the course. The objective of this option is to limit charges for Skillsoft launches to those users with currently active licenses. Selecting this check box does not prevent a user from enrolling in a Skillsoft course, if they have proper catalog permissions, but for courses with a vendor value of Skillsoft, only users with user attribute 8 set to Skillsoft are allowed to launch the course. |
Number of Active Users E-mail Alert Threshold | Number (Min=0, Max=100) | Enter a percentage number (without %). When the number of Active users exceeds the specified percentage of the number of users allowed by the license, an email alert is sent to the default system administrator user. |
Enable automatic completion of learning programs | Check box |
Select this check box to automatically set the overall status of learning programs to Completed when all of its constituent learning modules are completed. If this check box is cleared, learners, their managers or direct appraisers will need to update the overall status of learning programs to Completed. |
Automatically create learning objects when using dataloader | Check box |
Select this check box to enable by default the option to automatically create new learning objects when importing training records in the Training Records CSV Loader. If a learning program, module or session specified in the CSV file does not exist in the LMS, it will be created only if the Create learning objects for new Learning IDs found in the file check box is selected in the Training Records CSV Loader. |
Initial Display View of Learning Path | Drop-down list | Select from the drop-down list whether the Learning Path hierarchy is expanded or collapsed when users navigate to it. Select Collapsed to show only the first level items, or Expanded to show all lower level items as well. Users can always expand and collapse the hierarchy from within the Learning Path itself. |
Initial Display Layout of Learning Path | Drop-down list. | Select Horizontal to display the Learning Path progressing from left to right, or Vertical to display the Learning Path progressing from top to bottom. |
Hide completed job profiles in learning path | Check box | Select this check box to remove an assigned job profile from the user's Learning Path, if they have completed all of the competencies it requires. |
Default Reserve seats for learner enrollments pending approval | Check box | Select this check box to assign seats for classroom courses to learners whose enrollment is pending approval. |
Default Title and ID Format when creating a new Role | Drop-down list |
Select from the drop-down list the format to use for the title and ID of new system roles:
Ignore Prerequisites and Enrollment Approval Steps for Automatic Enrollments | Check box | Select this check box to skip prerequisite checks and approval steps during automatic enrollment. Clear this check box to disqualify learners from automatic enrollment if they do not have enrollment approval or they have not fulfilled prerequisite requirements for the course. |
Trusted Sites for Proxied Course Launches (one per line) | Text box |
Specify a full HTTPS URL (for example, to require site verification (HTTPS), or a simple hostname (for example, to allow unverified sites (HTTP). To specify a user profile for newly-created accounts, append |profile= followed by the profile ID; for example, |profile=my-profile (effective only if the property Automatically create user accounts and enrollments for proxied course launches is enabled). To specify a user ID template, append |template= followed by the template, for example, |template={Student_ID} Proxied launch enables another AICC-conformant LMS (which could be another PeopleFluent Learning LMS instance) to launch a course registered in the LMS, such that progress tracking information is recorded in the LMS and also relayed to the launching LMS. It is not necessary for the course to support AICC communication directly—it could be a SCORM course or LMS exam, for example—AICC communication is simply the mechanism that relays progress tracking information to the launching LMS. |
Automatically create user accounts and enrollments for proxied course launches | Check box | Select this check box to automatically create user accounts and enrollments in the LMS for proxied course launches. If you clear this check box, learners will not be able to launch proxied courses if they do not have an LMS user account, or if their account does not have an active enrollment in the course. |
Default IE Compatibility Mode | Drop-down list |
Select from the drop-down list the IE compatibility mode for the LMS:
For organizations unable to upgrade their users' browsers from Internet Explorer (IE) to Edge, you can select an older version of IE to ensure the LMS pages render correctly. |
Useful Links URLs | Text box |
Enter one or more links, one per line, and specify name, URL and (optionally) language, separated by a vertical bar in square brackets. For example, [PeopleFluent||en]. These links appear in the header area of the Manage Center when the new UI is enabled, and in the header area of all pages when the legacy UI is enabled. |
Footer Links URLs | Text box |
Enter one or more links, one per line, and specify name, URL and (optionally) language, separated by a vertical bar in square brackets. For example, [PeopleFluent||en]. These links appear in the footer area of all pages. |
Number of Organization Extended Description Levels | Number (Min=0, Max=50) |
This setting specifies the number of organization levels displayed in an organization structure, from the level at which the report is run, up to the highest level in the hierarchy. For example, working up the hierarchy from right-to-left, HK/Accounting is two levels, while ALL/My Company/HK/Accounting is four levels. This extended description appears in many LMS reports, so specifying the number of levels can help to format your reports. The number of levels can range from 0 to 50, where 0 means use all levels in the hierarchy, from the lowest to highest. For example, if your organization hierarchy is ALL/Level1/Level2/Level3, and you run a report for the Level3 organization:
When you change the Number of organization extended description levels System Configuration setting, you must then click Regenerate Extended Description in Organization Maintenance. This regenerates the extended description attribute of all organizations in the LMS. |
Show links for RSS feeds | Check box | Select this check box to show RSS links on the widget page. |
Exclude closed user accounts in reports set to be checked by default. | Check box | Select this check box to enable the Exclude closed user accounts option in standard reports. This check box will be selected by default in each report. |
Enable WYSIWYG Editor | Check box | Select this check box to enable the WYSIWYG editor in the following pages:
If the WYSIWYG editor is enabled, the contents of these fields will include HTML tags even if the contents have not been edited. Saving the page causes the WYSIWYG editor to convert the text to HTML automatically. |
Default Report Type | Drop-down list |
Select from the drop-down list the default report type when creating new reports from the Report Wizard:
Default Report Format | Drop-down list |
Select from the drop-down list the default report format when creating new reports:
Show loading icon | Check box | Select this check box to show a loading icon on some of the pages where background processing can keep system resources busy. This option works best for frame-oriented skins. |
Number of Self-Enrolled Classroom(s) per Year | Number (Min=0, Max=1000) | Enter the maximum number of self-enrollments allowed per calendar year (January 1 to December 31) for classroom learning types. Enrollments pending approval count towards the number but denied enrollment requests do not. |
Show additional enrollment information in records/transcript. | Check box | Select this check box to show additional enrollment information and charged cost center in the Records/transcript page. An administrator must enable the fields to be included in Enrollment Policy Editor > Edit Additional Enrollment Information. The fields will be editable for users with unrestricted access to Records/transcript (that is, administrators and instructors). |
Default Currency | Drop-down list of global currencies. | Select the default currency used in the LMS. |
Number of Years Access Violation Reports are retained | Number (Min=0, Max=10) | Enter the maximum number of years to keep Access Violation Reports. Outdated Access Violation Reports will be removed by a background task run monthly. |
Automatically hide the instruct menu if the current user is not an instructor. | Check box |
Select this check box to hide the Teach menu automatically if the user is not assigned as an instructor to any learning programs or courses. The Instructor role access permission takes precedence over this configuration. If a user's system role does not have read-only access to the Instructor feature (Review Features > Instructor) then they cannot access the Teach menu. |
Maximum number of rows displayed under selector search results | Number (Min=0, Max=100000000) | Enter the maximum number of results shown in selector pages. |
Organization Selector Format | Drop-down list |
Select the default format for the list of organizations displayed in the Organization Maintenance page:
Tree Format shows an expandable tree-view of your organizations. Flat Format shows all of the organizations at once, with their level in the hierarchy indicated by a forward slash ( / ). You can toggle between the Summary View and a Flat View in the Organization Maintenance page. |
Enable Course Equivalency | Check box |
Select this check box to enable rules to be configured so that substitute courses or programs can be completed instead of the target courses or programs, and are treated as an equivalent unit of training. Once this setting is enabled, if any course equivalency rule has been created, this setting can not be disabled. |
Disallow re-launch once the course has been completed | Check box |
Select this check box to prevent learners from re-launching courses they have completed. Clear this check box to enable learners to re-launch courses. Re-launched courses must be completed again to be shown in reports as Completed. This is because most reports use the tracking data from the most recent attempt. |
Return to existing course window | Check box | Select this check box to enable minimized or hidden course windows to be resumed, if possible, when that course is re-launched. Clear this check box to re-start the course every time it is launched. |
Require Direct Appraiser or Organization Approver to exist for User CSV upload | Check box |
Select this check box to require the Direct Appraiser or the Organization Approver to exist in the LMS, or be in a row for creation in the uploaded User CSV file before being assigned to another user or organization, respectively. If this check box is cleared, and a Direct Appraiser that does not exist in the LMS is specified for one or more new users in the User CSV file, those users will not be created. Likewise, users will not be assigned to organizations if the Organization Approver for the organization does not exist at the time of import. |
Number of Participants to show for Learning Groups in Review Learning Center | Number (Min=1, Max=9999) |
Enter the number of participants to show in the Learning Group page in Career Development Center > Review Learning Center. The Learning Group pages lists the participants who enrolled in the same learning modules as the selected learner. The Learning Group page must be enabled for this setting to take effect. |
Display Learning Groups in Review Learning Center Summary | Check box | Select this check box to enable the Learning Group page in Career Development Center > Review Learning Center. |
Require comments when submitting a Peer Comment | Check box |
Select this check box to make the Your Comment field mandatory when learners submit a Peer Comment in the Knowledge Center or Catalog Browser. Clear this check box to allow learners to rate a course without having to leave a comment. |
Enable Login Notifications | Check box |
This setting applies only to the legacy user interface (that is, when the user's skin is anything other than PeopleFluent_LMS_Default and they do not have Enable new UI set to Yes in their profile). Select this check box to enable the Login Notification page. This page shows information about deadlines that can block training, expired deadlines, and other information. If there are any notifications, the Login Notifications page is displayed after authentication. |
Use default login page for eCommerce | Check box |
Select this check box to use the default LMS login page for eCommerce users to log in and pay for a course. Clear this check box to use the eCommerce login page (eCommerceLogin.wm) for eCommerce users. This page is can be customized by editing the HTML. |
Enable Enrollment Schedule Conflict Detection | Check box |
Select this check box to enable immediate or direct feedback if sub-session schedules overlap with the dates of existing active transcripts. This option applies to learning types with sub-session schedules, such as classrooms, workshops and virtual classrooms. Conflicts are not detected for sessions that have no schedule (no start date and end date) to compare. For a user with multiple job assignments, schedule conflict detection checks against all the aggregated active transcripts for the user. |
Additional information shown in User Profile Summary for approvers | Check box |
This configuration setting is limited to enrollment approvals. An approver has the option to view a User Profile Summary for the user who asks for approval, displayed per default Name, Job Title and Email of the user. Select the check boxes to specify which additional information about the user will be displayed in the User Profile Summary:
If no block is enabled the User Profile Summary shows only Name, Job Title and Email. |
Enable Accessible Alerts and Facet Search Experience | Check box | Select this check box to make the LMS display alerts in a way that is appropriate for users with disabilities. Also, the Facets items in Faceted Search will have improved accessibility. |
Number of Days Background Task Logs are retained | Number (Min=1, Max=9999) | Enter the maximum number of days to keep background task logs. Outdated background task logs are deleted by the Monthly Housekeeping task. |
Keep users logged in for 30 days | Check box | Select this check box to keep users logged into the LMS for 30 days. |
Include private events when viewing instructors' calendar information | Check box | Select this check box to display personal events (those marked as Private) in Class Resource Manager calendars. |
When viewing Personal Events for other instructors in Class Resource Manager calendars: | Single option |
Select an option to specify the behavior when viewing personal events for other instructors in Class Resource Manager calendars:
Select Do not allow create/edit and display as "Busy" only to hide in calendars events marked as Free in Microsoft Exchange Server. |
GoToTraining API URL | Text box | Enter the GoToTraining API URL for GoToTraining courses. For example, |