Assign Learners to a Group Training Plan
Applicable Product:
PeopleFluent Learning
Applicable Release:
All Versions
Course administrators can assign the selected learning module to the training plans for a group learners at once. They can also remove the learning module assignment from the selected learners' training plans.
You can:
- Select learners based on role, organisation, user group and user attributes.
- Notify the learners by email, selecting an appropriate email template, and add any additional comments in the separate Comment text box. Comments are shown in the learners' training plan.
- Specify the priority and expected completion dates of the module.
When you run the group training plan assignment, the course is listed in the learners' training plan (Learning Center > Training Plan) and Career Center. Learners are not enrolled into the course or any of its sessions by this process. They can open the Course Details from the Training Plan or Career Center and enroll from there.
To assign learners to a group training plan:
1. Go to Manage Center > Learning > Learning Modules and click the name of the learning module you want to assign to a group training plan. The Catalog Editor opens at the Define Module Properties page.
2. Click Session Properties to select a session.
3. Select a session from the drop-down list and click Go.
4. Click Group Training Plan in the Session Properties tab. The Group Training Plan Assignment page opens.
5. Click the Select participant(s) link to select the learners whose training plans will be updated. the User Selector page opens in a new window.
6. Select the learners and click OK to return to close to the User Selector. The Learners selected are listed in the Select participant(s) box.
7. To remove the learning module from the selected learner' training plan, select De-assign in this module from the Action drop-down list. Otherwise, leave it as Assign this module.
8. If the learning module has previously been assigned to a learner, the assignment details are updated by default when you assign it again. To keep the previous assignment details, such as the requested completion deadline, clear the Update existing plans check box.
9. To notify the selected learners by email that the learning module has been added to their training plan, click the browse icon to select an appropriate notification email template.
10. Optionally, enter a comment that appears in the learners' training plans.
11. Select a priority from the drop-down list to indicate to the importance of taking the course. The priority is shown in the learners' training plans.
12. Optionally, select a date by which you would like the learners to have completed the course. The priority is shown in the learners' training plans.
13. Click Execute group plan assignment to assign the learning module to the learners' training plans.