Setting different tops of chart for different views
Applicable Product:
- OrgPublisher
Applicable Release:
- 11.x and earlier
- 23.x and later
You can set different starting points in the chart for different views. For example, you may have a view called "Media" and you want your users to start at the Media span of control, and another view called "Benefits", and you want to start with the top person of Benefits. Here's how:
Version 21.x and later:
- Log onto OrgPublisherAdministration
- Select the chart you want to modify
- In this example, the General view will be the default view and will start at the top of the charts whereas Benefits and Media Planning & Buying will start at the top of each span's top box. You will modify your search criteria accordingly in step 7:
- Click on the "Hierarchy / Preview" tab
- To set the top box for the General view, click on the "Select current top box" button for "Starting top box for chart" and also the "Select top box" for the "General" view:
- Then under the "Views" section, select "Benefits":
- In the left hand pane, select "Box Title" from the Search Field: drop list, then type in "Benefits" and click the Search button - you will now see the results
- Click on one of the results and it will take you to that box; drill up/down until you see the top person for that span - in this example, it is Jason Bratton:
- Click the "Select top box" button for "Benefits"
- Repeat this for any other views that you wish to have a different top
- Click on the "Apply" button and then re-publish your chart
Version 11.x and earlier:
- Open the chart in the OrgPublisher application
- For each view you wish to affect, select the view you want
- Drill down to the top of the span you wish to set as top
- Click on the top right of the top box (in this example, it is Jason’s) to select it:
This will select Jason's box plus the boxes under it. - Then click on the “Set top of chart” button:
- Repeat steps 2-5 for all the views you wish to set
- Save your chart
- Publish your chart
Keywords: set top of chart, start box, view
Created : Alvin Ee
Reviewed: 20 December, 2024