How to submit worksheets directly from Total Organization View
Applicable Product:
- Talent Management: Compensation
Applicable Release:
- V24.11+
This enhancement allows managers to submit their worksheets directly from the Total Organization view.
After the release of v24.11, Compensation administrators can configure the application to allow managers to submit their worksheets from the Total Organization worksheet view in focal reward cycles, so they don't have to navigate back to their hierarchy view to submit the worksheet.
Configuration is done on the reward cycle Options page in the Worksheet Options section. There is a new option there called Allow Worksheet Submission from Total Org View.
If this option is selected, the Submit button will be added to the Total Organization worksheet view in the upper right corner so that managers can submit their worksheets without having to navigate back to the My Worksheet view.
This option will be disabled by default for upgrading customers and enabled by default for new installations.