Data Retention, Destruction and Disposal Policy
Applicable Product:
Applicable Release:
The Data Retention, Destruction and Disposal Policy defines how long The Company retains data and how it sanitizes, deletes, and disposes of client data and physical hardware used in the hosting of customer data. The policy specifies requirements for data retention, secure destruction and documentation to meet industry best practices and ensure security and privacy for customer data. An overview of how data is backed up is covered by the Data Backup Policy.
This policy defines retention timelines for company and customer data, and the requirements for storing and ensuring data is disposed of in a secure manner. This applies to physical data forms as well as electronic requiring media sanitization.
The reuse, recycling, or disposal of physical electronic devices pose significant risks since data can easily be recovered with readily available tools - even data from files that were deleted long ago or with insecure erasure techniques. Failure to properly purge data in these circumstances may result in unauthorized access.
The applicability of this statement falls under purview of the Security Documentation Overview.
This policy applies to data stored electronically or in physical form. The level of classification data may receive/be stipulated as only impacts access to that material, and still must comply with these guidelines.
Data Retention
Client Data
Client Data possessed by The Company will be retained for life of service outlined in the contract, and through the export process until customer has acknowledged receipt of data, plus 30 days after termination of service. Data may reside in backups for the duration defined by Data Backup Policy.
Log Retention
Logs will be centralized for forensics activity and is subject to our Data Encryption Policy. Log and metric data will be retained as follows:
- System Metrics
System Metric data relevant to system events and troubleshooting. The default policy is to consolidate/rollup metrics at 60 days and delete at 6 months. - Application Performance Metrics (APM) Metrics
Application Performance Metric data relevant to application events and troubleshooting. The default policy is to consolidate/rollup metrics at 60 days and delete at 6 months. - General System and Application Logs
General system and application logs relevant to troubleshooting. Required for annual audits. The default policy is to offline these logs after 90 days and delete at 18 months. - Security Event and SIEM Logs
Security related logs and events.
Required for annual audits.
The default policy is to offline these logs after 90 days and delete at 18 months.
Access and Audit Logs
Generalized User and Role Based Access logs and events.
Required for annual audits.
The default policy is to offline these logs after 6 months and delete at 36 months.
Data Storage
All data shall be stored in a manner that restricts access to authorized personnel executing activities applicable to their role in fulfilling business obligations.
Offline or remote storage of data must be done in a manner that tracks access and prevents accidental data leakage. When possible, third parties utilized in the storage of data shall maintain chain of custody, secure storage with proper physical protections.
Data Destruction & Disposal
Data shall not be retained longer than necessary to adhere to backup and retention policies, inclusive of forensics purposes.
SOC 2: CC6.5 The entity discontinues logical and physical protections over physical assets only after the ability to read or recover data and software from those assets has been diminished and is no longer required to meet the entity’s objectives. |
Computer systems, electronic devices, and electronic media repurposed or transferred outside of The Company, for any reason, must not contain The Company’s data. When donating, selling, transferring, or disposing of computers or removable media, care must be taken to ensure that sensitive and confidential data is rendered unreadable. (e.g., if used computers are disposed of, any sensitive and confidential information that is stored on the machines must be thoroughly erased.)
SOC 2: C1.2 The entity disposes of confidential information to meet the entity’s objectives related to confidentiality. |
Media Destruction (Sanitization Methods)
Media sanitization is conducted by a third-party vendor complying with NIST 800-88 REV 1 and ISO/IEC 27040:2015 standards and requires an accompanying certificate of destruction.
Electronic Storage Media
The following are acceptable methods of sanitizing electronic storage media:
- Overwriting Magnetic Media - Overwriting uses a program to write binary data sector by sector onto the media that requires sanitization
- Degaussing - Degaussing consists of using strong magnets or electric degaussing equipment to magnetically scramble the data on a hard drive into an unrecoverable state
- Physical Destruction – implies complete destruction of media by means of crushing or disassembling the asset.
Paper-Based Media
Paper based media should be shredded or disposed of in secure bins.
3rd Party Sub-processors
Vendors contracts must ensure that any 3rd party sub-processors of Company data are obligated to implement data destruction policies and procedures at least as rigorous as The Company’s.