Updating text in Compensation Statements using Translation Keys
Applicable Products
Talent Management - Compensation
Applicable Releases
24.01 and later
Administrators may update text in Compensation Statements via the Tranlsation Editor without use of BIRT or other report editing tools. The steps are below.
Detailed Information
1 - Navigate to Compensation Administration > Reporting/Analytics > Compensation Statements
2 - Click the icon in the Report Design column for the selected statement
3 - Select any manager and click OK
4 - A popup window will confirm the report is downloading
5 - Within the downloaded zip file, open the Resource Properties file using any text editor
6 - Search within the file for the text to be changed. In this example we need to change the CEO name. Copy the name of the resource property for that text block. This is the part before the equal sign.
7 - Navigate to Site Configuration > Data Tools > Translation Editor
8 - Paste the Resource Property name from step 6 and click Select
9 - Scroll down, update the text as needed then click Submit