How To Create A Charting Web App
Applicable Product:
- OrgPublisher
Applicable Release:
- V21
This article demonstrates how to create charting web apps.
The PeopleFluent OrgPublisher Configuration application allows chart administrators to create and
configure Charting web apps. This does have to be done via the server OrgPublisher is installed on.
How to Create A Charting Web App:
1. On the desktop you should have the OrgPublisher configuration icon, open it but be sure to ‘Run as Administrator’.
2. Go to the ‘Charting Web Apps’ tab and click on the Add button.
3. Next give your Web app a name, be sure there are NO spaces in the Web App name.
For example, the web app name: Test Sample should be entered as Test_Sample, note the ‘_’ (underscore) instead of a space.
4. Click on ‘OK’
Note: If you are creating a Web app that is ‘secured’ then go to the ‘Security’ tab and apply the proper settings.
5. Once completed click on, the SAVE’. Once the save is complete, you can close the OrgPublisher configuration window as your new web app will not appear in the OrgPublisher Administration application.
6. Now log into the OrgPublisher Administrator, so that you can export your sample chart into your new web app.
Note: Since the ‘Data source’ it not dependent on a Web app, it is not necessary to export it.
7. In OrgPublisher Administrator go to your original Web app, find your Sample chart, and export it.
(This will generate an .opchart file, to be found in your ‘downloads’ folder.)
8. Next go into your new Web app and click on "Import" under the actions icon.
9. Navigate to your download folder, click on the .opchart file that you just previously exported, and click on ‘open’.
10. This will import your sample chart to your new Web app., when asked just point it to your Sample data source.
11. Now publish the chart and it should be available to view.
Keywords: Create Web App, OrgPublisher Administration
Created: Larryl Shaw