Create and Manage Questions
Applicable Product:
Peoplefluent Learning
Applicable Version:
All Versions
Questions help to measure the participant's knowledge, skills or understanding of the learning content. Creating exam questions often involves working with multiple individuals. For example, you can create and activate questions on your own, collaborate with subject matter experts who provide answers for your questions, or develop questions and answers together and then submit them for review before activation. The system settings determine whether questions must go through an approval workflow. For additional information, please see the System Administration guide. In this topic, we focus on creating and managing questions in the Questions Manage
Important Information: To create questions you must have read-only or unrestricted access to the Exam and Question Manager feature and unrestricted access to the Questions feature in System Roles (Manage Features Exam Manager Features).
Create a Question
To create a question:
- Go to Manage Center Learning Exam and Question Manager Questions.
- Click + Create Question.
- A question ID is generated automatically, but you can override it in the Enter the question ID: field.
- Select an option from the Question Type drop-down field. The LMS supports the following question types:
- Drag and drop - The learner must drag the selection image to the correct area on the background image.
- Essay - The learner enters free text.
- Fill in the blanks - The learner enters the correct word or words which are missing in the question.
- Hotspot - You define one or more hot areas in an image and the learner must select one of the areas to answer the question correctly. There can be more than one correct answer.
- Matching - Provides two columns of up to 10 selections. Learners must select an answer from a drop-down list to match a specific question.
- Multiple choice - A multiple choice question with up to five answers. Learners must select the check boxes for all correct answers.
- Rating - Select a single value between the minimum and maximum inclusive. The number of options is specified by the spread. Rating questions can be automatically graded by multiplying the selected rating by the maximum score for the question, and dividing by the spread.
- Single choice - The learner must select a single correct answer from up to four choices.
- True/False - The learner must select True or False from a drop-down list.
- Triple Rating - Provides three columns of ratings questions, which share a common low value label, high value label and spread.
Important Information: The question type cannot be changed once the question has been created.
5. Select the appropriate question pool, topic pool or sub-topic pool to which you are assigning the question.
6. Click Create. The Details tab opens in the Question Editor.
7. Enter the question details. For information about managing questions details specific to each question type, please see Configure Details Specific to Question Types.
8. Click Save.
Important Information: You must click the Save icon each time you update one of the Question Editor tabs before selecting another tab.
Configure Question Administration
On the question's Administration tab, you can manage administrative items around the question including the selected pool, valid dates, weighting, permissions, usage and other question attributes.
To configure the question administration details:
- Go to Manage Center Learning Exam and Question Manager Questions.
- Locate the appropriate question and select Edit from the action menu.
- On the Administration screen, review or configure the fields. For detailed information about these fields, please see Question Editor Administration Field Reference.
- Click Save.
Add Media to a Question
In the Media tab you can specify images, audio, video or enter HTML to be presented with the question. You can select media files from the LMS repository or enter a URL to external files.
To add media to a question
- Go to Manage Center Learning Exam and Question Manager Questions.
Locate the appropriate question and select Edit from the action menu. - Click the Media tab. Here, you can add images, audio, video or other html media to the question.
- To choose an image, audio or video file from the Repository Manager, click the Select file button for the appropriate field and choose the file from the repository.
- For additional information about working in Repository Manager, please see The Repository Manager.
- To specify an external image, audio or video file, enter the full URL of the file in the appropriate URL field
- To add custom content to the question, enter it in the Other (HTML) text box. To enter HTML, click the source code icon.
- Click Save.
Add a Language Bundle to a Question
A language bundle is a collection of localizable fields and language-specific contents in a given language that can be added to various LMS objects. You can add language bundles to questions to deliver the question and answer content in any of the languages for which there is a license in the LMS.
- Go to Manage Center Learning Exam and Question Manager Questions.
- Locate the appropriate question and select Manage Language Bundles from the action menu.
- Click + Add Language Bundle.
- Select a language to assign to the question and click Add.
- Select Edit Bundle Content from the language bundle's action menu.
- Enter the question details in the bundle's language. You can update the media associated with a question's language bundle. To do so, click the Media tab, and configure the media.
- Click Save.
To delete a language bundle click Delete from the language's action menu.
Preview a Question
To preview a question:
- Go to Manage Center Learning Exam and Question Manager Questions.
- Locate the appropriate question and select Edit from the action menu.
- Click the Preview/Approval tab.
- Scroll to the bottom of the tab to preview the question and its reference information
Clone a Question
You can copy a question and all of its properties by using the Clone feature.
To clone a question:
- Go to Manage Center Learning Exam and Question Manager Questions.
- Locate the appropriate question and select Clone from the action menu.
- Configure or update the question details as necessary.
- Click Save
View Question Usage Statistics
You can see which exams are using a question and also see the response statistics within a specified date range.
To view question usage statistics:
- Go to Manage Center Learning Exam and Question Manager Questions.
- Locate the appropriate question and select Edit from the action menu.
- Click Usage Statistics.
- To see the response statistics, select a date range and click Search. The question and its answer choices are listed with their response count and percentage.
View Question Version Archive
When a question is updated after being approved, the previous version is archived.
To view a question version archive:
- Go to Manage Center Learning Exam and Question Manager Questions.
- Locate the appropriate question and select Edit from the action menu.
- Click Archive. Details of all previous versions of the question are shown
Delete a Question
You can delete only questions that are not currently selected for exams.
To delete a question:
- Go to Manage Center Learning Exam and Question Manager Questions.
- Locate the appropriate question and select Delete from the action menu. Note: The Delete option is not available if the question has been selected for an exam.
- Click OK. The question is deleted.