“Unable to instantiate OrgPub32 as an automation server” error
Applicable Product:
Applicable Release:
All versions of 11
When clicking on “New” document icon or when publishing a chart from Web Administration, I get this message:
“Unable to instantiate OrgPub32 as an automation server. Please verify that OrgPublisher is installed correctly on the web server.”
This error usually occurs when DCOM permissions have not been set correctly.
Here’s how to correct the problem:
In DCOM, change the identity of the “OrgPublisher 11 document” object to “The launching user”. Here’s how:
1. RDP to the server where OrgPublisher is installed.
2. Click StartàRun, then type dcomcnfg and hit <enter>
Ø If you are using a Server 2008 R2 server, type mmc comexp.msc -32 then hit <enter>
3. Double click on Computers, followed by My Computer, then DCOM Config.
4. Locate the OrgPublisher document and right-click on it, then select Properties.
5. Click on the “Identity” tab.
6. Select “The launching user” option, then click OK.
If the issue persists after you’ve done that, you will have to set DCOM permissions for the OPWeb_LG group on the computer level – this is necessary in environments where security policies are stricter. Double check with your Domain/Network Administrator that it is permissible to do so first. Once they’ve given the go-ahead, here’s how it’s done:
1. Right click “My Computer” in Component Services and select “Properties”:
2. Then click on the “COM Security” tab, and then click on the “Edit Default…” button for “Launch and Activation Permissions”:
3. Add the OPWeb_LG group and give it “Local Launch” and “Local Activation” options:
4. Then try creating a new chart or publish your chart again.
If the issue persists, please contact Support.