How to modify performance workflow state actions ownership
How to modify performance workflow state actions ownership to meet business requirements. Specifically, your business needs may require certain action buttons to differ from what is provided by default.
This solution provides instructions on how to change the action owner or give ownership to more than one role.
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Talent Management – Performance
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Detailed Information
All necessary steps to modify performance workflow state actions ownership are done from within the 'Workflow State Definitions'. Below are the step-by-step instructions:
1. Create a copy of the workflow state where the action buttons are to be modified:
a. Navigate to: Admin Home - > Performance Administration - > Performance Management - > Workflow State Definitions
b. Locate the workflow state that you want to modify and create a copy. In this example, we are using the ‘Employee Sign-off’ state for the ‘Final Evaluation’
c. Click on "Edit"
d. Click on "Copy"
e. Change the "State Name" of the new state as desired
f. Save
g. You should be taken to the new state configuration page that will look something like this:
Note 1: From within this page, you can modify: State Display Name, State Description, State Owner, Add/Delete/Modify Tasks, Add/Remove/Modify Reminders, and Modify Actions.
Note 2: This solution focuses on modifying the Action buttons
2. Modifying the ‘Actions’ buttons
a. From the State Definitions Details page shown above, scroll down to the section header "Actions"
b. Click on "Edit" for the specific action name to be modified.
c. In this example, we will be modifying the "Acknowledge" button
d. Upon editing, you will be taken to the "Configure Action Definition" page
Note 3: From within this page, you can modify: Action Display Name, Action Description, Action Instructions, Action Owner, and Action Notifications
Note 4: This solution focuses on modifying the Action Owner by Default
e. Click on the icon circled above for the "Action Owner(s) Override"
f. From the "action Role Selector" pop-up, choose one or more Process Role Type(s) that you want to have the ability to perform the action. Below I have chosen to allow "Manager" and "Participant" to perform the action:
g. Click OK
h. Note that the "Action Owner(s) Override" field now shows the selected roles.
i. When done, click on "Save and Close"
j. Click on "Save"
k. Return to Workflow State Definitions page
l. You should now see your new state definition
3. Lastly, you will want to insert your new state into a Workflow Process Definition. You can either create a new workflow process or insert the new state into an existing process. In this example, we will be replacing the ‘Employee Sign-Off’ state in an existing process.
a. Go to: Workflow Process Definitions page.
b. Filter to find the desired workflow process. In this example, I'm going to change the state in the "BM-Final Evaluation" workflow process by "Editing" the process definitions.
c. Current states and actions are:
d. Since we're replacing the "Employee sign-Off" state, you will want to click on the icon in that state
e. There are 2 possible actions: Add State Before, Remove This State, or Add State After. Any of the 3 will get you where you want to go.
In this example, we are going to first remove the existing state.
f. Next, you can click on the icon for either the Face-to-Face or Completed state. Then do the appropriate Add State Before or After
g. From the "Choose a State to Add", filter on "Name" to find your newly created state.
h. Click OK
i. Your new state is now included in the workflow process!
j. Click on Save to complete your workflow changes!
Note 5: You can now add this new workflow process to performance plan workflows as desired. This step is not included as part of these instructions.