Compensation Cycle Planning - key stepping stones on the path to success
Applicable Products:
Talent Management - Salary Talent Management - Incentive
Applicable Releases:
A “Refresh” and a File Feed review are critical steps in your Compensation Cycle planning. Every Compensation Cycle project plan should include these steps.
What is a “Refresh”?
A “Refresh” is when Peoplefluent takes a copy of the Production site and copies it to the Staging site; thereby overwriting Staging with Production. Your Staging site becomes a “mirror image” of your Production site.
Why would I want to do a “Refresh”?
“Refreshes” enables clients to have the latest configurations and data from Production available in Staging for testing. You will have the exact same setup, configurations, data, etc. that is in your live Production environment, in your Staging environment. Cycle Planning and testing with the most up-to-data setup, configurations, data, etc. is much more beneficial than working with stale data as often is the case with Staging environments.
When should I request a “Refresh”?
Schedule your Refresh as soon as you begin your planning for your upcoming Compensation Cycle.
How do I prepare for a “Refresh”?
Create any new Compensation Plans / Reward Cycles in your Production site first. This will ensure these plans are copied over to your Staging site and will allow you to test configurations/calculations on your Staging site.
How do I request a “Refresh”?
Use Customer Community to create a Case or telephone Customer Support at 800-841-2365 option 2.
How long does it take for Peoplefluent to perform a “Refresh”
It can take several weeks for Peoplefluent to complete a Refresh. We receive numerous requests from clients and all requests are completed by our Operations team. In addition, the numerous holidays occurring in November and December reduces the number of days available to complete Refreshes. So schedule early to ensure your “Refresh” request is completed in the timeframe you need it.
Quick Facts about Refreshes
- Refreshes are performed on Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Refreshes occur during normal business hours
- The Staging site will be offline during the day of the Refresh
- The Production site remains online and is not impacted by the Refresh
File Feed Review
Format Review
Work with your Internal IT department to create/test any new or additional file feeds (i.e. Salary History, Process Hierarchy) being used this year for the first time to ensure they are properly formatted.
Test New File Feeds in Staging
Peoplefluent recommends that new or additional file feeds being used for the first time are first sent to your Staging environment to enable you to troubleshoot any errors prior to being sent to your Production site.
Status Email Distribution List Update
PeopleFluent’s file feed processing technology sends status emails to clients regarding the processing of file feeds sent to Peoplefluent. Using a recent file processing email sent from us, verify that the email distribution recipient list is correct. If you do not have a recent file processing status email then contact Customer Support to obtain the email distribution recipient list. Submit a case via Customer Community, or contact us via telephone, to add or remove recipients from the distribution list.