Unexpected performance task notification received by user(s)
Applicable Products
TM Performance
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Detailed Information
This solution describes a likely cause for users receiving a notification from performance to complete some task when they have no association to the participant.
Likely Cause:
The process was inadvertently delegated to the user(s)
Troubleshooting Steps:
As an administrator, you should determine to whom the process was delegated. The below steps describe how to proceed.
1. Verify that the email notification was generated from the system. The emails can be found in the 'Email Logs'
a. Go to: Site Administration -> Logs -> Email Logs
b. Use appropriate filter to locate the email recipients. Hint: Author, To, or Subject
2. After email verification, there are two methods to determine if this is an inadvertent delegation
3. Option one:
a. Go to: Primary Navigation Menu -> My Team -> Delegations -> Delegated Employees -> By Employee
b. Filter on the 'Employee' name'. Optionally, you can also filter on 'Plan Name'
c. Note the content of the 'Delegatees' column. You should see.
- Multiple Delegatees or
- User receiving the notification as delegatee
4. Option two:
a. Navigate to the performance plan where the notification was generated from.
b. Edit
c. Select 'Delegation Options'
d. In the 'Participant Delegations' section, select the appropriate 'View by Type' value
e. Filter on the 'Employee' name'.
5. Once you're confirmed that this is an incorrect delegation, the appropriate action can be taken. Example: You may choose to merely delete the entire delegation.