Display Tooltips in Internet Explorer
Applicable Release:
Tooltips are not displaying in published chart when viewing in an Internet Explorer browser
This behavior is seen:
- A chart’s URL is not in the Trusted Sites list.
- In a planning chart that is saved locally – the steps you provided will fix that for this situation since option 1 will fix it for published charts.
- If planning charts are saved on the server, #1 will have covered this scenario.
The ability to display Tooltips is handled by the security in the browser. In some cases, browser security may limit the displaying of tooltips. There is a work around that allows you to display the tooltips by running the chart in another security zone where the rules are different and allow for the display of tooltips. To run the chart locally instead of the internet zone, a code change at the beginning of the HTM file called the Mark of the Web (MOTW) can be altered in the HTM file of the published chart. The MOTW controls which security zone to launch the org chart in.
Option 1:
Internet Explorer browsers will read the MOTW in the HTM file and allow tooltips to display.
The MOTW appears in the first line of the HTM file and should be replaced with the following code: <!-- saved from url=(0016) http://localhost -->
Additional information about MOTW can be found on Microsoft’s website: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms537628(v=vs.85).aspx
Option 2:
Users may enter a registry key locally that allows users to run the plugin in a different zone.
Registry location: HKLM\Software\Aquire\OrgPublisher11\Settings
Key: RunInIntranetZone
Value: 0 (this defaults to 1/TRUE/Enabled)
This only works when executed by PluginX, it is applicable to the following codepaths:
- ChangeReport generation
- ChangeReport revision history generation
- Planning chart generation
- Opening search results in excel from the Search Listview