Resolving 'It is a system user' when merging employees
This solution provides instructions on how to resolve an "It is a system user" condition when attempting to merge employee records
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Detailed Information
The condition described in the summary section occurs when the employee that is being merged is linked to a user record.
For the purposes of this solution, we are trying to merge employee name 'Jackie Robinson' into 'Jack Robinson'
To resolve:
1. Identify the linked user record. This can be done in either of two ways.
- Add the 'User Reference Key' and/or 'Login' column to the Employees and Contractors grid view (This is the preferred method)
- Navigate to the 'Users' grid; add the 'Employee ID' column; filter on 'Name' column to find your user
2. De-link the user from the employee record
- Click on the User Name
- From the 'Detail' page, scroll down to the 'Employee' section
- Click on 'Remove'
3. Click on Save
4. Return to the 'Employees and Contractors' grid
5. Retry the merge action
The previous condition should now be resolved and teh employee record can be merged!