How to use the Performance Workflow 'Activity Log' to collect information
How to use the Performance Workflow 'Activity Log' to collect information
Applicable Products:
TM - Performance
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This solution describes how to use the Performance Workflow 'Activity Log' to collect information regarding the participants workflow transition data.
Administrators can use this log to:
- Find the Date/Time when a participant transitioned thru the workflow from initiation to complete
- See the owner or 'acting' user that performed the transition action
- See if the process action was delegated or not
- See what if any notifications were sent on transition
- See User Comments
- See the To/From state transitions
To access the Performance Plan workflow activity log:
- Go to Primary Navigation Menu > Talent Management Administration > Performance Administration > Performance Management > Workflow Process Management.
- In the list of workflow processes, click the Manage icon for the performance management plan you want to manage.
- Click the Goal Setting Process or Evaluation Process tab.
- In the Process Status section, click Activity Log. The SmartGrid that appears lists all participants in the process and each change of state that occurred for each participant. You can filter the list to find specific information by clicking Show Filters at the top of the grid.
For the purposes of this solution, we have only one participant in the plan's 'Final Evaluation' process.
Here is a snapshot of the Activity Log for our participant 'Sally Jones'.
As you can see, all of the information described in 1 thru 6 above is available as needed.
Note: Actor User would normally be either, a Delegatee, Administrator, or HR Manager acting on behalf of a state owner. Below is what would be seen if a Delegator acted on behalf of a Manager
You also have the option to use the workflow pipeline graphic to view the activity log by participant.
- Click the number in a process state to display a list of the participants currently in that state.
- Then click the Activity Log icon next to a participant's name in the list to view the activity log for just that participant.
You can filter the list to find specific information by clicking Show Filters at the top of the grid.