22.07 PeopleFluent Talent Management 22.07 Hardware and Software Requirements
- About This Document
- Workstation Requirements
- Mobile Device Requirements
- Web Browser Support Policy
- Browser Configuration
- Supporting Applications
- Integration with Other PeopleFluent Applications
- Keyboard Configuration for Multilingual Content
- About PeopleFluent
- Legal Notices
About This Document
This document describes system requirements and information about setting up your computer for use with PeopleFluent Talent Management.
This document is intended for:
- System Administrators
- IT Staff
- End Users
Note: This document assumes that you are familiar with the supported versions of the operating systems, web browsers, and typical office software.
Notice to Users
This document provides detailed information about the hardware and software you will need to use PeopleFluent Talent Management. You will need to consult the documentation for any third-party application that requires configuration as listed in this document.
This document is subject to revision based on external hardware and software changes; it will be updated periodically to reflect those changes.
PeopleFluent supports and provides defect fixes for PeopleFluent products under valid Support and Maintenance Agreements on only those operating systems and browser environment distributions that have been certified and published by PeopleFluent. While it may be possible to run PeopleFluent products on other, non-certified operating system or browser environment distributions, PeopleFluent makes no such representations or warranties, either express or implied. Additionally, PeopleFluent will not be responsible for providing any defect fixes for any such non-certified distributions.
Workstation Requirements
Table: Workstation Requirements
Requirement |
Definition |
Operating System |
Memory |
Recommended: 2 GB RAM or more Minimum: 1 GB RAM |
Processor Speed |
Recommended: Dual Core, 1 GHz Minimum: Pentium 4, 1GHz |
Monitor Resolution |
Recommended: 1280 x 1024 pixels or higher Minimum: 1024 x 768 pixels |
Monitor Size |
Recommended: 17 inch or larger Minimum: 15 inch |
Mobile Device Requirements
To provide security and the best performance to our users, PeopleFluent clients who want to use mobile-enable features are recommended to use mobile devices with the latest stable release of Apple iOS or Google Android.
Unsupported older versions of those operating systems may have rendering or compatibility issues. When such issues are reported, PeopleFluent will attempt to recreate on fully supported operating systems and in the event this cannot be replicated, the remedy will likely be a recommendation for clients to upgrade to a supported operating system.
Web Browser Support Policy
To provide the best security and performance for our users, PeopleFluent recommends that clients use one of the following browsers to access PeopleFluent applications.
Older browser versions may have rendering or compatibility issues. When such issues are reported, PeopleFluent will attempt to recreate on recent browser versions and in the event this cannot be replicated, the remedy will likely be a recommendation for clients to upgrade to one of the following browsers.
Microsoft Edge (latest stable release)
PeopleFluent supports the latest stable release of Microsoft Edge browsers in accordance with Microsoft’s support policy.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
PeopleFluent supports Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers in accordance with Microsoft’s support policy:
Mozilla Firefox (latest stable release)
PeopleFluent supports Firefox’s latest stable release channel. PeopleFluent's support also extends to Firefox’s specialized Extended Support Release (ESR). For Mozilla Firefox release notes, go to:
Google Chrome (latest stable release)
PeopleFluent supports Chrome’s latest stable release from the Google Stable Channel. For Chrome release updates, go to: https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/search/label/Stable%20updates
Apple Safari
PeopleFluent supports Apple Safari in accordance with Apple’s web site. For more information, see: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204416.
Deprecated Browser Versions
Deprecated browser versions have been tested and found to have serious problems when used to access PeopleFluent Talent Management.
WARNING: Using any of the following deprecated browser versions may result in loss of functionality, data loss, or both:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and below
Microsoft Edge 14 and below
Mozilla Firefox 59 and below
Apple Safari 9 and below
Google Chrome 66 and below
PeopleFluent strongly recommends that all clients update the browsers used to access PeopleFluent Talent Management to the browser’s latest stable release and to do so on a regular basis as the browser is updated.
Known Issues and Limitations
PeopleFluent requires the latest patches be installed for all supported web browser versions. The following are known issues or limitations of web browsers and operating systems that may affect the use of PeopleFluent Talent Management:
PeopleFluent Talent Management does not support printing from Apple Safari on any supported Microsoft Windows operating systems due to the browser’s limited printing support.
PeopleFluent Talent Management does not support PDF-based online job forms or PDF-based master online job forms on Mozilla Firefox for the macOS.
PeopleFluent Talent Management has known issues when rendering information in PDF-based online job forms on Safari.
PDF form digital signature fields created using Nitro Pro are not supported on Onboarding PDF forms.
PeopleFluent Talent Management does not support using Compatibility mode with any version of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
PeopleFluent Talent Management does not support using Enterprise mode with any version of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
PeopleFluent Talent Management requires native XMLHTTP support be enabled when using Microsoft Internet Explorer to access PeopleFluent Compensation worksheets with a fixed header.
PeopleFluent Talent Management does not support using the Undo function when editing text areas with any version of Microsoft Internet Explorer. This issue is caused by a functional limitation of the web browser.
PeopleFluent Talent Management does not support browser-based or operating system-based magnification or zoom features due to inconsistencies in how browsers implement content and image scaling.
Resizing dialog boxes to be smaller than the default size may occasionally result in some screen elements being cut off. For best results, keep the PeopleFluent Talent Management window maximized (to at least 1024 x 768), and do not resize dialog boxes smaller than they first appear.
Microsoft Edge does not support the ActiveX plug-in which is required to view PDFs with Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader in a web browser. As a workaround, use Microsoft Internet Explorer 11. For more information, see: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/display-pdf-in-browser.html#edge
PeopleFluent Talent Management does not support the use of Adobe Flash Player. PeopleFluent recommends using Bridge Advanced Video or embedded links to video hosting sites to play video content.
PeopleFluent Talent Management on Apple Safari does not support integration with PeopleFluent Learning.
PeopleFluent Compensation Command Center does not support Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11.
Browser Configuration
You need to configure your web browser to use PeopleFluent Talent Management. See your browser's documentation for configuration instructions.
Configure Pop-up Blockers
Users must either disable or set pop-up blockers to allow PeopleFluent sites. The required domain names provided in this section are subject to change based on your organization's implementation. Contact your PeopleFluent representative for more information.
The PeopleFluent Talent Management base URL (found in System Settings)
The KZO Public Base URL (found in System Settings)
Caution: You must also configure any third-party pop-up blockers such as NoScript.
Enable Cookies
PeopleFluent Talent Management requires user browsers be allowed to store cookies. Users must update their browser settings to allow required domain names. The required domain names provided in this section are subject to change based on your organization's implementation. The LinkedIn and Google domain names are only required if your organization is using features that require them. Contact your PeopleFluent representative for more information.
The PeopleFluent Talent Management base URL (found in System Settings)
The KZO video public base URL (found in System Settings)
Enable JavaScript
Users must enable JavaScript in Google Chrome.
Note: You must also configure any third-party plug-ins that block JavaScript.
Open PDF Files Externally
For best results when using PDF-based documents with PeopleFluent Talent Management, the default PDF Viewer must be disabled. This forces PDFs opened from within the browser to open using the default application associated with the file format in the operating system.
Configure for Proxy Servers
When an organization uses a proxy server, its users must configure their browser to use the same proxy server for all protocols. Google Chrome uses the same connection and proxy server settings as your operating system.
Configure for Printing
For best results, users should include background colors and images when printing from PeopleFluent Talent Management.
Use of Multiple Browser Tabs and Windows
Many web browsers allow users to open multiple windows and some web browsers support tabbed browsing. For best results, PeopleFluent recommends accessing PeopleFluent Talent Management in only one tab in a single browser window per user session.
Caution: Accessing PeopleFluent Talent Management in multiple browser windows or tabs may produce unexpected results.
Client administrators need to work with their organization's IT personnel to configure their network to receive email from PeopleFluent Talent Management.
Many organizations use email anti-spamming technology to filter out unwanted or suspect emails. Parts of PeopleFluent Talent Management use built in email functionality to send information to PeopleFluent Talent Management users. Some enterprise email anti-spamming technology may interpret this type of email as suspect and therefore not deliver the message. This issue is due to the email message containing the organization's domain name (…@organizations.com), yet having a corresponding IP address signature that is outside the organization's IP address range.
If your organization has implemented this anti-spam technology or if you are experiencing email difficulties using PeopleFluent Talent Management, the remainder of this section should be reviewed.
Email Domain Whitelisting
PeopleFluent recommends that all clients whitelist emails from any PeopleFluent server. Any email sent from a server with the following reverse DNS look-up values should be whitelisted based on the location of PeopleFluent data center where your organization's application is hosted:
Table: PeopleFluent Email Domains
PeopleFluent Datacenter Location |
Email Server Domain |
Atlanta |
pc-mail.peopleclick.com |
London |
pc-mail.peopleclick.eu.com |
Toronto |
pc-mail.peoplefluent-ca.com |
IP Address Whitelisting
If your organization's spam filtering software is unable to whitelist domains, PeopleFluent can provide the IP addresses from which production email messages are currently sent. PeopleFluent will normally have a primary set of IP address ranges from which emails can be sent, although additional ranges may be used to accommodate load balancing, redundancy, and future expansion. Additionally, PeopleFluent may change one or more of the IP address ranges to accommodate changes in our engineering, architecture or infrastructure. PeopleFluent may also remove or add IP address ranges for the same purpose.
Non-production PeopleFluent environments may send email from separate IP addresses. These IP addresses are subject to change and therefore need to be requested separately. Whitelists and other anti-spam management tools should be configured to accept mail from both production and non-production sources.
PeopleFluent will provide as much notice as possible to clients regarding changes to the IP address ranges.
For these reasons, PeopleFluent recommends that clients whitelist the PeopleFluent domains rather than individual IP addresses.
Desktop Management
Anti-spamming technology can reside on an individual’s device as well as at the enterprise level. If your organization relies on anti-spamming technology using an email client, you may also need to modify the policies of these email applications to accommodate the published IP address ranges PeopleFluent uses for email communication.
Sender Policy Framework
Email recipients that have external email addresses may have spam prevention that prevents email from being sent from a domain that does not match the domain that is sending the email. This is especially important for applicants, which recruiters may be sending email about application status, interviews, offer letters, onboarding and opportunities. To validate that an email is valid, PeopleFluent recommends adding Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records to the client’s public Domain Naming System (DNS) infrastructure. An SPF record enables email servers to validate that the sender is allowed to send emails from the client’s domain. An SPF record needs to be added to the client’s public DNS to allow any potential recipient’s email server to query DNS and validate that the IP address of the sending server is valid for the client’s domain. These public SPF records will need to be added by the client’s DNS administrator. For more information on SPF, see http://www.open-spf.org/.
PeopleFluent maintains a record in public DNS called spf.peopleclick.com that has all the addresses that are used to send email from PeopleFluent applications. To avoid client DNS administrators from having to keep up with PeopleFluent IP addresses and host names, and to limit the number of DNS queries required for SPF validation, PeopleFluent recommends adding just this hostname to the SPF record.
company.com IN TXT "v=spf1 a:spf.peopleclick.com ?all"
This record is an example for an organization that currently does not do any SPF validation for their own email but would like to allow external email addresses to validate SPF and show that PeopleFluent email servers are allowed to send from the company.com domain. The ?all qualifier at the end of the SPF record treats all other email as if there were no SPF policy in place and thereby allows email sent from other sources to continue to be received.
Clients who experience issues with emails not being received due to SPF validation reasons may already have an SPF entry with the -all qualifier which rejects all email senders not specified in the policy.
Contact your PeopleFluent representative to request assistance with any questions about SPF validation.
Supporting Applications
The following types of applications are recommended for the best use with PeopleFluent Talent Management features:
Mail Client and Calendar Systems
PeopleFluent Talent Management sends mail in text and HTML format, and meeting invitations in iCalendar (ICAL) format. Check with your mail client/calendar system vendor for compatibility.
Word Processors
PeopleFluent Talent Management supports over 100 file formats for attachments, resume search, and resume parsing, including:
ANSI text
ASCII text
Microsoft Rich Text Format (.rtf)
Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)
Open Office Word Processing
Be aware of the following limitations when using word processing documents with PeopleFluent Talent Management:
PeopleFluent Talent Management does not support parsing image files such as a resume scanned (without OCR) and saved as a PDF.
The wide selection of tools available for generating PDFs and their varying support for the PDF file format make it impossible to identify a single version of PDF that PeopleFluent Talent Management supports for resume parsing and preview.
While PeopleFluent Talent Management can generate a preview of most resumes, if you cannot preview one, you can always view the original file attached to the Candidate or Contact record. Alternatively, you can upload the resume in another format, such as HTML, text, Microsoft Word, or Open Office, as those formats are more likely to be rendered correctly in a preview.
SmartGrid Exports
PeopleFluent Talent Management provides the ability to export any SmartGrid as a comma separated value (.csv) file. While many applications support this format, PeopleFluent tested this feature using Microsoft Excel 2016 and Microsoft Excel 2013.
Report Output
PeopleFluent Talent Management provides the ability to save ad hoc report results in several file formats. The following table lists the file formats and the versions of applications with which they were tested:
Table: Report Output Formats and Tested Applications
Format |
Tested Application |
Excel |
Word |
Reports exported to Microsoft Excel do not include charts or graphics, such as logos. Report output in PPT format may be opened and viewed in a limited presentation mode in a web browser, but must be saved to a file before opening in Microsoft PowerPoint for editing or printing.
PeopleFluent Talent Management also exports to XML and comma-separated value (CSV) data formats.
Report Customizations
PeopleFluent Talent Management provides the ability to customize reports and statements using Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT). BIRT is an open-sourced, Java-based visual report development plug-in to the Eclipse SDK. Users customizing reports will need the following applications:
Java Runtime Environment (JRE), either:
Version 1.5 (a.k.a. Version 5), or
Version 1.6.0 16 (a.k.a. Version 6 Update 16) (recommended)
BIRT 3.7.2
Eclipse SDK 3.7.2
BIRT and the Eclipse SDK are only required for those few administrators who are responsible for customizing reports and statements. It is not a requirement for every end user.
Onboarding Forms
HTML-based Forms
PeopleFluent Onboarding allows onboarding administrators to create HTML forms which can then be mapped to Adobe Acrobat PDF-based forms. Authors of HTML-based forms that want to map them to PDF forms must install Adobe LiveCycle Designer 8.2.1 ES or later (to create a PDF form) or Adobe Acrobat Pro (to scan an existing hard copy form).
PDF-based Forms
PeopleFluent Onboarding allows onboarding administrators to create PDF forms which can then be mapped to fields in PeopleFluent Onboarding. Authors of PDF-based forms should install Adobe Acrobat Pro to design PDF-based forms.
Integration with Other PeopleFluent Applications
This section lists the requirements for integrations between PeopleFluent Talent Management and other PeopleFluent applications.
PeopleFluent OrgPublisher
PeopleFluent Talent Management supports integration with OrgPublisher. This requires PeopleFluent Talent Management 11.3 or later and OrgPublisher 11.3 or later.
Note: Occasionally, PeopleFluent adds or modifies columns on the SmartGrids used by this integration. If client-specific modifications have been made to any of these SmartGrids, they may need to be manually reapplied by a trained PeopleFluent representative after upgrading to PeopleFluent Talent Management. For more information, contact your PeopleFluent representative.
PeopleFluent iPaaS
PeopleFluent Talent Management supports integration with PeopleFluent iPaaS. For more information, contact your PeopleFluent representative.
PeopleFluent Learning
PeopleFluent Talent Management supports integration with PeopleFluent Learning, except on the Apple Safari browser. Integrated features in this update require PeopleFluent Learning 11.18.0.x and are not compatible with previous updates.
PeopleFluent Talent Management supports integration with Socialtext
Keyboard Configuration for Multilingual Content
The QWERTY keyboard layout is required for PeopleFluent Talent Management. If users are required to enter or manage multilingual data in PeopleFluent Talent Management, clients should consult the operating system’s documentation to configure their users’ keyboards to generate special characters and accents relevant to additional or alternate languages.
About PeopleFluent
As a market leader in integrated talent management and learning solutions, PeopleFluent helps companies hire, develop, reward, and advance a skilled and motivated workforce. Deployed separately or as a suite, our software spans recruitment, talent mobility, performance, compensation, succession, org charting, and learning—tailored for either large or mid-enterprise organizations. We deliver unmatched functionality and flexibility, recognized by leading analysts, to develop people, drive performance and deliver results.
Our talent solutions unify talent processes within a collaborative experience that enables HR and L&D teams to guide managers and employees with contextual learning—right in the flow of work.
A part of Learning Technologies Group plc (LTG), PeopleFluent provides world-class service and an unparalleled ecosystem of partners to the optimize employee experience, employer brand, and business results.
For more, visit peoplefluent.com
Legal Notices
This document has been created for the authorized licensees and subscribers ("Customers") of the software products and associated services of Learning Technologies Group, Inc. by its division PeopleFluent and all of its affiliates (individually and collectively, as applicable, "PeopleFluent"). It contains the confidential and proprietary information of PeopleFluent and may be used solely in accordance with the agreement governing the use of the applicable software products and services. This document or any part thereof may not be reproduced, translated or retransmitted in any form without the written permission of PeopleFluent. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, PeopleFluent may from time to time link to third-party web sites in its products and/or services. Such third-party links are for demonstration purposes only, and PeopleFluent makes no representations or warranties as to the functioning of such links or the accuracy or appropriateness of the content located on such third-party sites. You are responsible for reviewing all content, including links to third-party web sites and any content that you elect to use, for accuracy and appropriateness, and compliance with applicable law.
Any trademarks included in this documentation may comprise registered trademarks of PeopleFluent in the United States and in other countries.
Microsoft, Windows, and Internet Explorer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Oracle and PeopleSoft are registered trademarks of Oracle International Corporation. Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. All other names are used for identification purposes only and are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Portions of PeopleFluent Workforce Communication software may include technology licensed from Autonomy and are the copyright of Autonomy, Inc. Quartz Scheduler is licensed under the Apache License.
Web site: www.peoplefluent.com
Copyright © 2022, Learning Technologies Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Document Version 1.0
Generated: 22.07: 2022-06-22 8:32:40 AM ET