22.07 PeopleFluent Talent Management 22.07 Release Notes
PeopleFluent is pleased to announce the upcoming PeopleFluent Talent Management 22.07 update. This document describes the functionality of these new features, discusses their client impact, and provides detailed information about each. If you have any questions about the enhancements or the new features presented in this document, please contact your PeopleFluent representative.
Talent Management 22.07 Customer BriefingJune 30, 2022 Highlights:
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Compensation Features
The features and enhancements described in this section apply to PeopleFluent Compensation. Because this application is configurable per client, new features may affect each implementation differently. For more information about any new feature, and how it can be used in specific implementations, contact a PeopleFluent representative.
These features will be available when the client is upgraded to this version of PeopleFluent Compensation.
Pregenerated Statement Optimization
These enhancements make the Pregenerated Statements feature easier to use and more practical for organizations with large data sets.
The PeopleFluent Compensation Pregenerated Statements feature has been made more flexible for companies with large data sets, particularly where a few worksheet rows have changed and only those statements need to be generated.
Now you can chose to generate statements on a row-by-row basis, a worksheet basis, or based on a Worksheet Participants Grid view. You can also use formulas to automate when statements are generated based on the generated statement status and generated statement date.
Specifically, the following has been done:
New Worksheet Fields
New fields can be added to worksheets rows that enable tracking of pregenerated statements and when they were last updated. Generated Statement Status holds the current status of the generated statement, while Generated Statement Date holds the date and time that the statement was generated.
Figure: New Pregenerated Statement Fields
For example, you can have a formula that will change the Generated Statement Status field to Invalid when there are any changes on the worksheet. By adding the statement Row.statementStatus = 218002; to a formula, it will update the Generated Statement Status field to Invalid for that worksheet row. Then, when the Generated Statements functionality is processed, because that row is invalid, the statement will be deleted and regenerated.
Create & Delete Statements Fields Moved
The options to create and delete pregenerated statements on the Worksheet Reports page have been moved from the individual Compensation configuration up to the reward cycle level.
Figure: New Placement for Create and Delete Statements Options
You will still be able to generate statements for individual rows, however, due to the following changes.
Worksheet Row Generate Statements
On worksheets, statements can be pregenerated on a row-by-row basis using a new Generate Statements icon. This will force a regeneration regardless of the Generated Statement Status.
Figure: The New Generate Statements Icon in Worksheet Rows
This column is not displayed by default but can be added using the Set Columns button.
Generate Based on Grid View
Statements can be generated based on a Worksheet Participants grid view (separately from worksheet processing).
Figure: Generating Statements Based on a Grid View
Delete with Formula
A new deleteStatments method has been added to the PeopleFluent Talent Management Pseudo Model (under WorksheetRow), allowing generated statements to be deleted using a formula. For example, you can write a formula to automatically delete a previously generated statement based on the new worksheet fields (or other criteria as needed).
Time of Day Filter
A Previous Specified Hours filter has been added for the following fields of the Worksheet Participants grid:
- Last Plan Updated Date
- Last Published Date
- Last Calculated Date
- Last Edited Date
- Generated Statement Date
This allows users to filter on these dates by a variable number of hours ago.
Figure: New Previous Specified Hours Filter
This filter is only available on the fields listed above.
Bulk Download Enhancement
The pregenerated bulk download feature has new logic to include pregenerated statements in the bulk download file if the new Generated Statement Status field is Invalid or missing.
There is a new Compensation setting that configures this enhancement.
Max Number of Missing and Invalid Statements Allowed: The maximum number of missing or invalid statements that are allowed for regeneration on the fly during a bulk statement download request.
This setting is set to 10 by default, and during a bulk statement download, if the number of invalid or missing statements is less than or equal to the setting value, then those statements will be automatically generated and included in the download. If the number of invalid or missing statements is greater than the setting, then the download will only include the existing valid statements.
The MANIFEST.TXT file now includes a new section that lists all worksheet rows with invalid generated statements and includes the Generated Statement Date under the Included worksheet rows section.
Figure: New Section in MANIFEST.TXT
Onboarding Features
The features and enhancements described in this section apply to PeopleFluent Onboarding. Because this application is configurable per client, new features may affect each implementation differently. For more information about any new feature, and how it can be used in specific implementations, contact a PeopleFluent representative.
These features will be available when the client is upgraded to this version of PeopleFluent Onboarding.
Onboarding Task List Template Selection
This enhancement makes it easier to select an Onboarding task list template when creating a new engagement.
In the PeopleFluent Onboarding Create New Engagement wizard, step 3 is to select a task list template for the new engagement. This was previously done by selecting a task list template from a drop-down list.
However, if there are a lot of task list templates, it was difficult to find the correct one from the list.
In this update, task list templates are now selected from a grid.
Figure: New Task List Template Selection Grid
You can sort and filter the grid on both the Name and Description columns to find the task list template you need.
Performance and Succession Features
The features and enhancements described in this section apply to PeopleFluent Performance and PeopleFluent Succession Management. Because these applications are configurable per client, new features may affect each implementation differently. For more information about any new feature, and how it can be used in specific implementations, contact a PeopleFluent representative.
These features will be available when the client is upgraded to this version of PeopleFluent Performance and PeopleFluent Succession Management.
Clinical Competency Access with Authorities
This enhancement adds the option to give access to clinical competency evaluations using authorities.
In PeopleFluent Performance, access to clinical competency evaluations is normally achieved through stakeholder relationships. With this update, two new authorities have been added that give an alternate way to access clinical competency evaluations:
- Can Access All Clinical Competency Evaluations: Roles with this authority can access the clinical competency evaluations of all employees in the application.
- Can Access Peer Clinical Competency Evaluations: Roles with this authority can access the clinical competency evaluations of any other employee in the application that has this authority.
These new authorities allow you to fine-tune clinical competency access.
- Note: Tasks, reminders, and notifications are only generated for users who access clinical competency evaluations through stakeholder relationships, not through these new authorities.
These authorities do not give visibility to clinical competency forms; the forms are displayed according to the Clinical Competency Rater process role form association.
Competency Tag in Pseudo Model
This enhancement adds the Competency Tag to the PeopleFluent Talent Management Pseudo Model Evaluation entity, providing more flexibility in how plan formulas are written.
In the PeopleFluent Talent Management 22.04 update, we added the ability to add tags to competencies in order to group them in Performance workflow states.
In this 22.07 update, we have added the competency tag to the PeopleFluent Talent Management Pseudo Model to allow its use in plan formulas (previously, the tag had to be hard-coded in the formula). The CompetencyTag data type can be found in the Evaluation entity under currentState > ProcessState > competencyTags.
The following sample plan formula illustrates the use of this new capability:
def currentStateName = Participant.getFinalEvaluation().getCurrentState().competencyTags.name
def totalCompetencies = Participant.getFinalEvaluation().getCompetencies().findAll{it->currentStateName.contains(it.tag)}.size();
def ratedCompetencies = Participant.getFinalEvaluation().getCompetencies().findAll{it-> it.getMgrRating().rating?.numericValue!=null && currentStateName.contains(it.tag)}.size()
Debug.warn(ratedCompetencies )
def percentage= 0
if(ratedCompetencies!=0 && totalCompetencies!=0)
percentage= (ratedCompetencies/totalCompetencies)*100
Participant.getFinalEvaluation().getOverall().selfUserDefinedFloat= percentage
Participant.getFinalEvaluation().getOverall().selfUserDefinedString= percentage + "%"
Participant.getFinalEvaluation().getOverall().mgrUserDefinedFloat= percentage
Participant.getFinalEvaluation().getOverall().mgrUserDefinedString= percentage + "%"
Form Configuration Enhancement
This enhancement adds the form display name to the left panel of the Performance plan configuration page to make it easier to see which form is being used.
When configuring a Performance plan, form types used in the plan are displayed in the left panel. However, If a plan uses the same form type in several places, it can be confusing to know which form is being used.
Figure: Form Types in the Left Panel
In PeopleFluent Talent Management 22.07, the form display name is now displayed under the form type so that it is easy to see which form is which.
Figure: New Form Configuration Display
If the form display name is too long to fit in the left panel an ellipsis appears. Hovering the mouse cursor over the form displays hover text with the entire form display name.
Option to Hide Performance State Number
This enhancement adds the option to hide the workflow state number in the Performance plan workflow process pipeline graphic.
In a Performance plan end-user form, a pipeline graphic is displayed showing the workflow states through which employees progress. Each state is automatically numbered to clearly show the employee's progression through the workflow process. However, some companies may have alternate numbering schemes or prefer to not have the states numbered at all.
When configuring a Performance plan, administrators now have the option to completely remove the state number from the end-user pipeline. This is configured with a new option on the plan configuration page, in the Basics section of the Basics page:
Hide State Number in Workflow Graphic: Select Yes to hide the workflow state number in the workflow pipeline graphic display on the end-user form.
This option defaults to No. Changing it to Yes hides the workflow state numbers as shown below.
Figure: End-user Pipeline Graphic Before and After Enabling the New Setting
Performance Alerts Enhancement
This enhancement displays alerts on the end-user forms in a banner, similar to how missing required fields are displayed.
In Performance end-user forms, fields that are required but not populated are called out in a banner at the top of the page when the form is submitted.
In the PeopleFluent Talent Management 22.07 update, Hard Stop and Incomplete alerts now also appear in a banner upon form submission.
Figure: New Alert Banner
Clicking an alert icon in the banner brings that error into the center of the page and displays the alert text. Clicking the error icon on the form also displays the alert text.
If there are no Hard Stop or Incomplete alert errors, but there are Exception and/or Within Guidelines alerts, a dialog box appears asking if the user wants to proceed without reviewing the alerts. If they click Yes, the form is submitted, while if they click No, the Exception and/or Within Guidelines alerts appear in a banner.
- Note: If there are missing required fields and alerts errors on the same form, the missing required fields banner will appear first. Once those errors are corrected, then the alerts banner will appear if any alerts have been triggered.
Common Features
The features and enhancements described in this section apply to all PeopleFluent Talent Management applications. Because the applications are configurable per client, new features may affect each implementation differently. For more information about any new feature, and how it can be used in specific implementations, contact a PeopleFluent representative.
These features will be available when the client is upgraded to this version of PeopleFluent Talent Management.
Data Processing with SmartGrids
This enhancement gives administrators the ability to write data processing scripts that pull data directly from a SmartGrid, rather than uploading a spreadsheet.
The data processing functionality was designed to work by allowing administrators to use a spreadsheet in CSV format to upload data into PeopleFluent Talent Management and then write a Groovy script that uses that data to extend the capabilities of the application.
However, administrators will often export a SmartGrid as CSV and then upload it for use in a data processing script. This creates a number of unnecessary steps if the data does not need to be manipulated outside of PeopleFluent Talent Management.
In this update, administrators can use scripts to pull data directly from SmartGrids without having to export it and upload it. In order to do this, the script must reference the SmartGrid by specifying the Grid ID and the view ID. These can be found by going to the SmartGrid and clicking Select View > Manage Views.
Figure: Finding the Grid ID and View ID
In the Manage Views dialog box, the grid ID is listed under Grid Type, and the table lists the views and their view IDs.
The following sample script (SetEmployeeCustomFields) is included out of the box on the Data Processing Scripts page to illustrate this functionality:
//This script will iterate through grid data and populate a custom field.
//This script assumes that the Employee ID field is added to the My Team > Employee Information > Position Information grid and that there is a custom field named empcustomfield1.
//Only public views are allowed.
def employeeIDList = DataScriptUtils.getGridData(6206, "83ED3C8E03EB46D6A9B5C39B896045C8");
for ( rec in employeeIDList ) {
def empName = rec.get( "Name" );
logInfo( empName );
def employeeId = rec.get( "Employee ID" );
logInfo( employeeId );
def positionTitle = rec.get( "Position Title" );
def employeeInfo = Employees.findByCompanyEmployeeId( employeeId );
employeeInfo.employeeCustomFields.empcustomfield1 = positionTitle;
In the above sample script, 6206 is the grid ID and 83ED3C8E03EB46D6A9B5C39B896045C8 is the view ID.
Even though you are not uploading a spreadsheet, you still have to create a record on the Data File Processing page. This record is where you specify the script and run it by clicking the Process Plan Update button.
Data Feeds and APIs
This section describes changes made to data feeds and APIs. For more information on data feeds and flat files, refer to the PeopleFluent Talent Management 22.07 Control Data Guide and the PeopleFluent Talent Management 22.07 Data Mapping Guide.
Changes to Existing Data Feeds and APIs
There are no changes to the PeopleFluent Talent Management API, which remains at v1.35.220400 in this update.
Data Feeds
The following changes have been made to existing data feeds.
Table: Data Feed Changes in PeopleFluent Talent Management 22.07
Data Feed |
Description |
Organizations |
Organization Feed 13 (AuthoriaOrganizations without parent organizations or with file sorted highest level to lowest level) is deprecated and no longer required when loading Organizations. Organization Feed 14 (AuthoriaOrganizations with parent organizations) is still required when loading Organizations into TM and should continue to be used. Going forward there will be no distinction between Organization Feed 13 and Organization Feed 14. The new nomenclature will be Organizations feed. To stop sending Organization Feed 13, customers must first notify PeopleFluent Support to request that this feature be enabled. |
Data Hub Feature Enhancement
The Organizations feed is now supported on Data Hub. For all customers already using Data Hub, there are no changes required. Only changed organization data will be loaded into the Talent Management product. Those customers will now see the delta comparison on the Organizations feed audit notification. The audit notification for Organizations feed will now report on:
- Error Count
- Number of records Received/Considered
- Number of records Added
- Number of records Modified
- Number of records Unchanged
New Data Feeds and APIs
This update does not include any new data feeds or APIs.
Product Documentation Changes
PeopleFluent has updated the PeopleFluent Talent Management documentation set to reflect enhancements and new features introduced in the 22.07 update.
Additional Documentation Resources
The following additional documentation resources are available:
Documentation |
Description |
Hardware and Software System Requirements | Available on Customer Community. Provides information on workstation requirements, recommended and supported browsers, and supporting third-party applications. |
Online Help | Available in the Talent Management application. Provides help content for administrators and end users. |
Resolved Issues | Available on Customer Community. Provides information about resolved issues addressed in this update. |
Training Manuals and eLearning Modules | Please contact your PeopleFluent representative to schedule training. |
About PeopleFluent
As a market leader in integrated talent management and learning solutions, PeopleFluent helps companies hire, develop, reward, and advance a skilled and motivated workforce. Deployed separately or as a suite, our software spans recruitment, talent mobility, performance, compensation, succession, org charting, and learning—tailored for either large or mid-enterprise organizations. We deliver unmatched functionality and flexibility, recognized by leading analysts, to develop people, drive performance and deliver results.
Our talent solutions unify talent processes within a collaborative experience that enables HR and L&D teams to guide managers and employees with contextual learning—right in the flow of work.
A part of Learning Technologies Group plc (LTG), PeopleFluent provides world-class service and an unparalleled ecosystem of partners to optimize employee experience, employer brand, and business results.
For more, visit peoplefluent.com
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This document has been created for authorized licensees and subscribers ("Customers") of the software products and associated services of Learning Technologies Group, Inc. by its division PeopleFluent and all of its affiliates (individually and collectively, as applicable, "PeopleFluent"). It contains the confidential and proprietary information of PeopleFluent and may be used solely in accordance with the agreement governing the use of the applicable software products and services. This document or any part thereof may not be reproduced, translated or retransmitted in any form without the written permission of PeopleFluent. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
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Document Version 1.0
Generated: 22.07: 2022-08-16 7:46:16 AM ET